Perfection / Heaven

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
Describe your idea of a perfect existence. What would be the best of all possible worlds in which you could exist? I’m talking about an existence that would parallel the idea of heaven… what is your idea of heaven?

Specifically, I’m looking for constraints on your view of heaven. What kind of rules are there in heaven?

Do you work in heaven? Do you eat in heaven? Do you sleep? Do you create or destroy things in heaven?

What are you going to play on your PS2? :lol:






And women dressed (or not in some cases) in ways that I can't post on here.
So you want a PS2 in heaven, not a PS500000000000000?

You want a normal car, not some kind of car that hasn't been invented?
I want some futuristic car, and an automated house. I don't want to work. I want my computer to be some really high-tech machine along with my playstation.
asking mere testosterone-driven mortals what their 'heaven' is, will only get you answers like, "lot's of naked women, infinite alcohol, and whatever i want".

i think 'heaven' would be some higher plane of existence. breaking out of the normal constraints of the human body.

but honestly, you give me 80, heck, 10 million dollars, and i could build my 'paradise'. I'd own lot's and lot's of land. my '77 FJ40 would get a complete resto, as would the Chevy, i'd keep the GTS, but would pick up a C5 Z06. I'd buy my mother a house, pay off the one i grew up in, and resto that. Buy my best friend a car/truck of his choice (within reason) and donate to or start my own charity or something. I DO NOT want to live forever, but maybe reincarnate me a couple times.
Ahhhh, the life.....( big "kitties" and wet "kitties" )


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My heaven will have all the beer I want without the working out to remove the " baggage"
Led Zep and Hendrix and all my favorite bands playing "live" ( well lifelike anyway). My wife still hangin an bangin with me. All my pets( from the beginning) will come and visit but someone else will still pick up the s**t. Cindi Crawford will want me bad and my wife will understand and help out...hehehehe. my farts wont stink ( or kill most plant life). I'll be able to " visit " my son and daughter and they wont freak out long as I knock first. GT40 will never run out of gas and the cops will be on kids tricycles and wear pointy hats and have rubber guns. i'll have my own garden to grow ...ummmm ...stuff. And it will always be killer. i'll never be too young or too old for ANYTHING..(just like now).
and of course I'll haqve my PS2 ...ummmscrew that I'll have a friggin holodeck ! hehehehe.
I'm sure I could think of more but its Friday and my Stoli Martini is getting warm...hehehehe.
Heaven would be a place where all desires could be met for a single person, without affecting another human being.

Titties don't hurt either. 👍
Exige Excel pretty much got it all for me. Me and my woman went nuts driving on the road (very stupid) earlier in our seperate cars. I then drove off and played with a 350z for several miles (her neon too slow, so she lost us). When I got home, she was angry because driving recklessly 'puts her in the mood'. It absolutely kills mine for some reason, and she got all huffy because it REALLY put her in the mood and I was just like :|. Oh well. Spirited driving > womanly goodness.
My idea of heaven is living in a pub, which I own but don't run. Inside would be a games room filled with PS 2's, quality pool tables, table tennis and of course a fully stocked bar. There would be a cinema area but instead of movies it would show Premiership football and Champions league. You would be able to watch any match on the day as there are 20+ rear projection tv's. There would be a chicken shop onsite aswell. There are other things that would be in my idea of heaven but are a bit strong to put in this thread.
Me cruising around randomly at night behind the wheel of a nice car listening to Joe Satriani on the guitar. It was just soooooo relaxing that well... Heaven should be like that

Happened a few days ago - I ended up being out driving for the better part of two hours before I realized how late it was :P
My idea for a heaven (or hell):

A place were Heavy Metal is superior to anything else. There are car crashes, explotions, and skulls everywhere.
That Would be Cool!

That is my opinion.
My idea for a heaven (or hell):

A place were Heavy Metal is superior to anything else. There are car crashes, explotions, and skulls everywhere.
That Would be Cool!

That is my opinion.

Yeah, pain sure is awesome.
My idea of heaven would involve me living at an airfield/racetrack, where all I would do all day is drive cars or fly aircraft. Basically, I'd be a complete speed junkie. :D
A toughie, danoff. For some reason, I'm drawing a blank. Not because I can't contemplate a state of perfection, but because the proposal of such a state begs the definition of existance itself.

I like DQuaN's reply though, in a off the cuff sort of way.

Would she get burned by the splattering grease of the bacon? 'Cause that's what would happen to me if I cooked bacon naked.
But then you get to lick the bacon fat off. And nothing tastes better than bacon fat served on a hot woman. At least, that's what I've been told.

Don't you know anything, danoff?
Uhh, the ability for everyone to have whatever they please without affecting somenone else's life. Bed now. Bye. I'm in Heaven always anyway.. in my dreams! ;)
Heaven would be a place where all desires could be met for a single person, without affecting another human being.
Prettty much hit the nail on the head. Re-does would be nice too, in case you don't get your desires right on the first try :)
Titties don't hurt either. 👍
👍 :sly:

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