um, I dont know why a chip would be $2k. It is just software maps and **** copied onto a little micro chip. You can get them for free if you have equipment to duplicate them. I think you are thinking total engine management systems that replace the ECU.
The conforti chip in my bimmer makes a very noticable difference. Claims are as follows. Even though some are often overstated or exhagerated, I believe these are close.
-top hp gain of 15hp
-peak hp gain 22hp (not necessarily at hp peak, peak as in most improvement. in this case its at 6250, a bit below peak hp, but a good place for a gain.)
-top torque gain 10ft-lb
-peak torque gain of 19ft-lbs, in this case at 6k rpm
The revlimit is also raised 550 rpm to 7800.
chip is only $250, but like I said, they can be copied, hehe.