Pescarolo C60 Hybride judd '05 Tuning

  • Thread starter Greisen
Hey dudes, i just purchased the Pescarolo C60 hybride '05 yesterday night -.-
Im having massive problems with it. Whenever i driving through a corner and just touches the speeder it spins out. Anybody have a good setup for this car?
Hey dudes, i just purchased the Pescarolo C60 hybride '05 yesterday night -.-
Im having massive problems with it. Whenever i driving through a corner and just touches the speeder it spins out. Anybody have a good setup for this car?
Hi dudes, need a tune for zonda lm race car. Anybody has it?
I think you don't want to look yourself.Two times today asking about existing tunes.....AIAIAIAIAIii
I`d say it is not worth tuning or struggle with this car at all!
I drove it once, at a time I knew very well what to expect from this sort of cars. Spinning out is your first concern? Your only?
This car is awful in cornering, I was astonished how bad this car behaves as soon you approach any corner.
It is one of those standard cars were something went horribly wrong, it feels completly off.
Of All the racecars I bought , I actually love this one , the C60, just under the BMW V12.

It has Huge Potential, it just needs finesse at the driving inputs, but holy cow does it ever reward you with proper modulation!

Even with all the jitteryness on accel, it powers around the Eifel Circuit (supercar seasonal) in 1:03, and that is untuned. It has the best grip on the 1st decelerating right corner.

Raise the IT on the LSD to prevent sudden changes to the car. This is one of my new top 10 GT5 commandments.
To all those that have been "sticking to IT of 10 or less" , you're missing out on 50+ higher notches of improved high speed handling! :)