Pescarolo C60 Hybride - Judd Race car '05

  • Thread starter powerdrome

Above thread has set up for Hybride. Makes it very driveable too even though do say so myself.

thanks and congrats for the nice thread... what a huge testing...

anyway i'll try your settings, and i have to say are pretty close to the ones i found so far, unless for one big exception:

LSD settings
I found that driving with an almost open diff, 5,5,5 i can handle the car better.

What's your opinion on LSD open?
Re open diffs. All the set ups in the thread were trying to get performance for the endurance race. Found that lower diffs for most part improved tyre wear. Hybride had such bad tyre wear though that it seemed to benefit more from the higher settings than worrying about extending tyre life.

With all those set ups thing that for me seemed to make most difference was balance of camber and toe. When first started playing around was surprised just what performance differences I could get both for lap times and tyre wear.