Money talks..........
Imagine the sadness when Gronholm wasn't going to be wearing the No.1 on his motor next year. Then imagine Peugeots happiness when they realised that Burns could be wearing it and seeing as they offered him somewhere near $4mill deal, its not 'just' buying Burnsie, its basically buying the number one for the side of the car next year. How many more pictures of Pug 206's can we see next year with No.1 on the side??
And more importantly, how much commercial value is that worth?
Subaru have secured extra funding to cover both Makkinens salary & Burnsies. Not that I think that'll make a difference. Firstly, Burnsie wasn't keen on Makkinen as a team-mate, Secondly, Burnsie has a long time standing with Peugeot as winner of a Peugeot National championship in his second year driving, and thirdly, Burnsie has ALWAYS gone where it suited him. End of 95' jumped ships from Subaru to Mitsi and then jumps back to Subaru a couple of years later.
WRC could be on the verge of something fantastic, but its a very fine balance between keeping it a sport (and spectacle) and turning it into a circus like F1 has become. I hope that it goes the right way. From what I saw on the Rally GB this year, I'm not so sure though.