Photo Comp. Session 1

  • Thread starter Frizbe
United States
Albuquerque, NM
Darth Frizbe
Alright I'm going to try starting a new monthly photo competition. We'll see how this longer deadline works and go from there.


1) Photo must be one that you took yourself(:dunce:). However I don't car if you took it this week, last month, whenever, as long as it is your own.

2)Deadline for this project is Sunday March 4, 2007 11:59 PM Mountain Time.

3)Please include exif data with your submission.

4)Size should be limited to 800x600

5) I think thats it, I want these to be fairly open ended so....

Project Theme:​
This should be a fairly easy one. First project in many photography classes, so it should be our first. Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal it doesn't matter as long as the photo shows a good representation of the concept. The themes will be simple themes for a while, but that should not discourage more seasoned photographers, everyone can benefit from shooting the basics.

The judging will be done by your peers, I'll set up a poll on the day after the comp ends. However the winner will not pick next month's theme. This is done to keep the themes easy for people and to promote learning among amateurs.

I think that should be it.
Good luck and happy shooting!
Count me in, at least for a while. Not to influence the themes, but anything I can shoot from the comfort of my home while the kids are around works well for me. Especially as it is currently -2° F outside. :scared: The next few months will obviously be getting better, though.

Edit: I just saw your comment about the EXIF tags. Personally, I'm not sure if that is necessary, but it's your comp. I would suggest that you ask for thumbnails instead of full images. Either that or limit them to 800X600.
Count me in, at least for a while. Not to influence the themes, but anything I can shoot from the comfort of my home while the kids are around works well for me. Especially as it is currently -2° F outside. :scared: The next few months will obviously be getting better, though.

Edit: I just saw your comment about the EXIF tags. Personally, I'm not sure if that is necessary, but it's your comp. I would suggest that you ask for thumbnails instead of full images. Either that or limit them to 800X600.
Size is a good one, I think the exif should be left in , I think it helps beginners because they can see what the settings were on some of the pictures they like.


* File size: 172203 bytes
* File date: 2007:02:14 12:58:48
* Camera make: SONY
* Camera model: DSLR-A100
* Date/Time: 2007:02:14 00:34:18
* Resolution: 800 x 535
* Flash used: No
* Focal length: 18.0mm
* Exposure time: 0.333 s (1/3)
* Aperture: f/22.0
* ISO equiv.: 100
* Exposure bias: -2.00
* Whitebalance: Auto
* Metering Mode: matrix
* Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto)
I think the exif should be left in , I think it helps beginners because they can see what the settings were on some of the pictures they like.
Right on. I thought you wanted it as proof that we took the picture, not to help each other out. Good call. 👍
I hope so. If not I'll need to re-shoot mine. Personally, I don't think cropping is an issue. Changing levels, color balance and adding borders should be a no-no, but cropping should be OK.
I hope so. If not I'll need to re-shoot mine. Personally, I don't think cropping is an issue. Changing levels, color balance and adding borders should be a no-no, but cropping should be OK.

I'd like an official steer on this, as I do all of these for pretty much every picture I take...
I'd like an official steer on this, as I do all of these for pretty much every picture I take...
I could really care less on the first few.
I think as long as the photoshoped version stays true to the original it ok with me. Borders, color correction, ect. are fine I just don't want people adding things or changing colors.


Picture of the light hitting the wall through my window blinds this afternoon, with some minor color correction in Fireworks (there was a tad too much blue in the actual picture).

Don’t rely on the EXIF stuff to learn anything though :P – I just set my camera on the little green “Auto” function and shoot until I get something semi-sorta-half-decent.