Photo Manipulation Contest: Week One

I thought it would be a good idea to try a photo manipulation contest. If this week works out we can continue. The Photo Manipulation thread,, inspired me to start this.

Rules - For now, they can change for next weeks contest if we have one. Suggest any changes in the rules, that you would like, in this thread.

The Rules for Now (modified Nov. 24, 2004 at 12:30PM CDT)-
  1. You will be provided with an image so it is easier for people to relate to while voting.
  2. Manipulate the Image
  3. This weeks contest will be longer because we are starting mid-week, but I want to make the contest from here on run for a week. This week's entries are due December 5, 2004 at 9:00PM Central Daylight Time, USA.
  4. Post your final manipulated image here in this thread.
This is NOT photoshopping cars!

I will create a suggestion thread for pictures to manipulate if this weeks contest works out.

Suggest changes in the rules. The contest can run two weeks long rather than having a contest every week. Any other suggestions -

I am not so sure exactly what image we want to start with, but I came up with this. The suggestion thread should help in choosing a picture. -


Suggest changes in the rules. The contest could be changed so that you have an image and all of us manipulate the same image, like the weekly PSC contest, or something like that if you would like. The contest can run two weeks long rather than having a contest every week. Any other suggestions -
Yes, I suggest you provide the picture for the contestants, so that everyone would work on the same base picture.

That way I think the contest would appeal to more people and it would be easier to judge a winner.
I thought I was going to start this? :lol: Oh well. I just never got around to it.

I also agree that from now on, perhaps the winner of the previous week should pic a photo to manipulate, or we could have a "Photo Manip Suggestions" thread.
Nah, it's ok. I don't think I would be able to keep up with it. I'll fill in for you if you want me to though. :)
:lol: Penis on the mind GTJugend?
I'm just reposting my suggestion regarding the image used to be manipulated;
The winner of current competition chooses the next photo for contestants to manipulate in next weeks comp.

Also, how crazy are we allowed to go? Is this simple coloring, shading, levels, etc. or can we go all out?
:lol: Penis on the mind GTJugend?
I'm just reposting my suggestion regarding the image used to be manipulated;
The winner of current competition chooses the next photo for contestants to manipulate in next weeks comp.

Also, how crazy are we allowed to go? Is this simple coloring, shading, levels, etc. or can we go all out?

Oops, you got me there. ;)

Anyway this could be fun. I'll see if I can come up with something decent. Is it allowed to crop and only work with a part of the pic?
Here's one I threw together super quick. I might try to do a different one later, if I get some free time.
You should have a size restriction on this, don't you think? 56K users don't want to load a dozen 298KB images just so they can vote in the poll.

The original image should be the highest size you can post, but all entries should be reduced in size for the sake of bandwidth.

I suggest something in the 700x700 to 750x750 range, but its up to you.


  • martianparadise.jpg
    64 KB · Views: 64
I am going to post my entry tomorrow. I keep going home and forgetting to post my entry while I am on my computer. My entry is on my computer and my computer is at my grandmother's right now. Antihero, that looks neat. I like the way you split the picture.
Nice piece antihero. I like that soft glow effect. 👍

Here's mine. Guess which Coldplay song I was listening to while I worked on it.

There was a suggestion that we use thumbnail. What do you guys think? Should we use thumbnails at all time. Should we post our entry as a thumbnail and have the full image in the vote, or should we use full pictures at all points during the competition?