PhotoMode Competition Week 97 Poll Winner - sejtur

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Week 97 Poll



  • Do NOT vote for your own entry.
  • Have confidence in your own photo and don't try to sway the poll.
  • Respect the choice of Top 10 entries and don't be upset if you miss out - art is subjective!
Gotta be the most even poll in a long time. Lovely shots all. Voted for Sej's. 👍 Thanks to all who voted for mine so far!
Great, I made the poll! :)

Voted for the West Razo Silvia, gotta love that front-end. And a very clean shot, with limited tools. 👍

...and I already have 2 votes, pretty sweet.
Great turn out this week guys!!! You can tell by how even the poll is! For all who didnt make the poll dont feel bad.. I had 17 shots that I really liked & it took me like half an hour to trim it down to 10.. Every one who entered this week should feel good about themselves! Again, Fantastic week across the board!!! Good luck!
Wow, this is close! Thanks for all of your votes guys, I appreciate it. 👍
Now lets see if my shot can stand the last hours. :)

Voted for atlop (👍 )