Photomode/replay transfers questions

  • Thread starter Sniffs
we're waiting for the PS4
fishtailrook1 (?)
1. does a flashpen device need to be used for moving pictures and replays to a computer, or can a USB cable be used?

2. what format is reccomeded for switching replay movies to a computer-useable format?

thanks in advance
I think you can use a USB stick to transfer pictures, but for replays, you need something like a MAX Drive. Don't know what a 'pen drive' is though...:dunce:

a 'pen drive' is a USB drive

There are devices available to let you connect your PS2 memory card to your PC's USB slot. Here is one the I have found that looks promising. I haven't got one yet, but people who have one say that it works quite well for transfers. I don't know it should be what you are after (save replay, then use this to copy it to the PC).

I'm not sure if there is software to directly convert GT4 replays to a normal video file?

But...perhaps this should have been put in this thread?
I'm not sure if there is software to directly convert GT4 replays to a normal video file?

There is not. You have to buy a video capture card, or a graphics card with capture ability.
1. does a flashpen device need to be used for moving pictures and replays to a computer, or can a USB cable be used?
2. what format is reccomeded for switching replay movies to a computer-useable format?
thanks in advance

As mentioned above you'll need some form of capturing device.

If you want to keep it low cost then check out Pinnacle Systems. They have a device called a Dazzle. It comes with basic software to capture your replay and convert it to a movie. Various formats can be selected and it all depends on what you wish to do with the end result.

You can keep it small to view on web or go for large file and have a good quality movie on computer/CD/DVD.

For more help check out Daan's site
as he's put together a guide that will talk you through the process.

I use the Dazzle DVC90 myself and am quite happy with it.

If you want to transfer still pictures captured in Photomode most USB pens will suffice. The pictures are saved as jpgs. Nothing special required there.

If you're thinking of backing up your replays in native format you'll need a max drive. These files are not viewable as a movie.
They allow you to send in replays for verification purposes in WRS or to keep backup of your gamesaves on PC.

in other words, prohibitively expensive. Crap. yesterday, I had the most spectacular wipeout I wanted to share (circa 15 360's in an AC cobra)
Get a MaxDrive ($10-$20), e-mail the replay to bobkart.