Photomode thread upgrade

Hello admins of this site.

Let me start from the far.

You all know GT has become some kind of multinational cult and almost everybody in the world somehow knows or has heard about this game. plays not the smallest role in it. You guys have done much work developing this site and making its users have easy way to post read, evaluate, exchane, comment and in fact communicate. GTPlanet iPhone app I'm using now through my trip across Moscow in the metro is a clear example of how far you have gone from just a newspage and that's awesome.

My small suggestion concerns GT5 Photomode forums thread. It has grew up to huge bunch of people trying themselves in creating. In fact it is flickr of Gran Turismo world. Even some professionals (they seem to be them according to the real life pictures I see on their pages across the net) post here. There are tons of usufull manuals, good, brilliant works. Some guys became "famous" and a photo of (let me name him) "Vasya" became a sinonim of classy work.
So, maybe there is a chance moders will add "add to favorites" feature to photomode? I think that would be very usefull! I have many of the pics downloaded on my phone and computer, many of you too, I suppose, and some page in our profiles will help us easily see our favorite stuff from many galleries! So why not too? We have a "subscribe to this thread" and "add to favs" on site and iphone app will be one of the best additions!

Thank you for reading, and I'm really sorry if I asked for the thing that was discussed previously.
Good idea, but you could just bookmark the page or like you've already done, download and save the images to an offline folder so that you can do a slideshow to enjoy them.
2Mubble: sure I can. It is just more convenient to gather all pictures you like in one place. It's just a suggestion, if moders will consider it too difficult or useless that is their right.
I'm not entirely sure how easy something like that would be to utilize, krakozyabr. Since we all use different hosting sites, and different resolutions, for our galleries, it'd be hard to factor in something like an easy phone/desktop wallpaper feature (at least that's what I'm getting from your suggestion...?). The best bet would be to stick to subscribing to your favourite galleries/threads (since that works much like bookmarks/favourites, except you can access them wherever you log in), and saving images for your own personal use as you come across them.

I don't know how the GTP apps work well enough to comment on what's possible with them though, so I'll leave that to Jordan. And as this has more to do with the basic workings of the site itself instead of GT, I'm going to move it to the Help Desk to better get the answers you're looking for 👍
That would definitely be a great thing to have, but I can't think of a simple or practical way to implement that given the open-ended structure of how people share their Photomode pictures in our forums. As others have suggested, I think a combination of subscribing to your favorite threads and saving your favorite images on your various devices is the most practical solution to this problem for now.
Jordan, SlipZtrEm, thanks for answering.
You've asked "how" - since photos are hosted on various resourses there is a suggestion and it is the easiest one.

Each photo has a link to the one of original scale. The "Favs" page in your profile can contain only link to that particular photo, well, number of them - the same as it is in the post with pictures themselves. The only think to do is to somehow define the link to every photo in the post. It may look like original entry where pictures are posted with those links defined. When person pushes the button "add to favs" under each photo (for example) the link to the picture of original size is grabbed to his favorites page in the profile. After that it is just a small code that sets particular dimentions for every photo, for example not more than 400x300 and in the favs page there will be shown previews! I think that may work. Of course favs gallery will be loaded for some time, but that is easy and can gather all wanted pictures from galleries in one page!

The same "+favs" button under each photo can be seen in the iphone app and that is also convenient. Looked through the entry pushed favs button and you don't need to wait while picture is downloaded - you just have it on one of your profile pages.
saving your favorite images on your various devices is the most practical solution to this problem for now.

That's really probably the best way to go about it. I've already stated that and it works great!

Don't know if we already have it and I've just missed it or not but it would be great to have a "Best of Photomode" Album somewhere on here. Guys have taken some awesome photos that have so much realism you really can't tell it's GT5.
I think this can be implemented if we upload our pics to our personal GTP photo albums in my opinion. Considering that we could upload images there instead of Photobucket or Imageshack... But that may defeat the purpose of such sites though.