Photomode Tournament - Another season ?

  • Thread starter NTX


Porto, Portugal
newbanneryl6.jpg most of U guys know, the Tournament is one of the most beloved competitions of GT4 Photomode. Once again, I´m interested to do it another time...but as most of U guys have noticed, this part of GTP isn´t the same as 2 years ago. Its hard to gather many people to enter, thats why in the last season, both PMC and 2.0 divisions were only with 8 spots to fill, instead the usual 16 spots.
But now its even harder (I think) to do both divisions at the same time, once more because of filling all the spots in the two divisions. So I´m thinking in a couple of ideas. The 1st one is doing the same divisions at the same time, and allow participants to enter in both divisions, instead of entering only in one of them. The other idea is almost identical, the only thing different is doing first one division, and when its over, do the other one. If this 2nd idea goes ahead, I might do it with 16 spots to fill.

So I wanna know if there is any interest once again to do another Tournament. U guys are free to give ideas as well of course. If there is enough interest, the Tournament will start soon.


P.S - If any U guys don´t know what the hell is the Photomode Tournament, visit this page
Well it would be cool, but their really isn't much activity around here. If it does happen, I would definitely take part though.
Has you know I’ll join the tournament. And if one person can join the two divisions, it’s even better. Both your ideas are good to me, but I think the first one suits a little better than the 2nd one. Just my thought though.
count me in...your idea is great. Hopefully it'll spark more interest. there will be some people coming out of the woodwork to take part too.
"You" is a 3-letter word in English! ;) Just a quick heads up!
You wouldn't abbreviate "Você" to just "ê" in Portugese would you? :P
That is just NTX1982. It makes him who he is on GTP. :P Surely it wouldn't bother most of the member here.....
As for me, I'll try to enter if I can. Not sure how far I could go in the competition but I'll try to fill in the spots..... 👍
I didn´t knew my "U" would make such an impact :lol:
I will try to write "You"...but its a habit I have (abreviating words)

Any more comments and opinions about the Tournament guys?
Hey Alex...will YOU enter too, or YOU are retired from Photomode? :)

I will decide soon when to start the new season...and I´m more turned to my 2nd idea, meaning doing now one division, and then the other. But with 8 spots, with 16 will take too long.
That is just NTX1982. It makes him who he is on GTP. :P Surely it wouldn't bother most of the member here.....
As for me, I'll try to enter if I can. Not sure how far I could go in the competition but I'll try to fill in the spots..... 👍

Whether it bothers anyone or makes someone who they are is beside the point. Our AUP forbids the use of lazy grammar, and even mentions "U" as a specific example. If we overlook one member for it simply because they've been here a while, then it sets a bad precedent for everyone else. 👎

Sddnly u got a forum wear evry1 psts liek dis and be4 u kno it no-1 can undrstnd wots goin on. 1337!!1!!1!1 :yuck:

We're not going to go there. ;)

I didn´t knew my "U" would make such an impact :lol:
I will try to write "You"...but its a habit I have (abreviating words)

It just stood out that you'd used it 4 times, and yet the rest of your post was brilliantly constructed, capitalised and punctuated! 👍
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Hey Alex...will YOU enter too, or YOU are retired from Photomode? :)

You want to gime me some homework, don't you? :lol: I think I won't resist.

I wish I had any volunteer to correct my grammar sometimes... I'll make you learn Spanish one day :grumpy:

Regards :D

What I have to say | What I have to do

People won't say viva España if I won again. They'll say f... oh well :lol:
:lol: ^

Just to inform you guys, I won't be able to join the action if another tourney does commence in the near future.
I don't think I've ever missed a photomode tournament before (apart from the ones I hosted 👍). So sorry about that.
Thats sad to know Jaco, you were one of the guys that could make magic shots in a blink of an eye.

Anyway...another thing about the next Tournament to come...the PMC division will be the first one to start. The 2.0 will come after PMC ends. I think its better, since we have here many new members, and I think PMC its the best way to start for them (hope people understand, and I´m not saying the new members are not skilled). There will be 8 spots to fill, if more than 8 entries are received, of course that a Qualifying Round will be made.
Pretty cool that you can enter both divisions too. 👍
When are you thinking of getting it underway Nuno?
Maybe this next Friday. The theme will be given by then. Note: this 1st theme is the same to all participants. Then after your entries are ready, send them to me via PM. But in the Tournament post the rules will be all there, do not worry people.:)
I'll see what I can do ;)

I'm not promising anything though... Although I've wanted to make a comeback into photomode for a long time now...
Friday or Saturday, thats when the PMC Tournament will begin guys. Hope to see you all there.👍
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I'll do it! I wasn't around when you guys did it last. I'll try to enter both, but I think I would be oblitterated by the 2.0 regulars.

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