Gotta hand it to the PMC guys for almost always putting that much more effort into their shots in-game; no throwing a blur filter at ugly textures
I'll give a bit of a breakdown on the ones I did vote on:
M3 - While I can't stand the bling wheels, I love the rich colour of this shot and the fact the architecture forces you towards the car. Could've used a less brutal contrast adjustment, just so we could see the details, but on the other hand, this does give it a certain brooding quality. Nice!
Spyker - We've seen this type of shot before, but this one is done differently enough to really catch the eye. The fact the car is angled upwards, towards the light above it, is so much better than being tilted the other way. Incredible.
300SL - Heh, I have a funny feeling I know who's behind this one. Focus on the lighting, focus on the fact that most 2.0 entries aren't this clean. Reminds me of old film noire movies.
Alpine - Another I think I may know, photog-wise! Extreme angle, clean tone, smooth reflections. A well-done shot, that angle, done by someone less talented, would be a disaster.
Monaro - Composition! Great colour choice!
NSX - Ees sooo simpuh
. So what, it's a well done shot and has been fiddled with just enough to make it stand out. Crazy contrast with that Lancer above it.
2002 - The shot could've been tighter, and I could see a crazy wide-angle shot working better, but as is I like it a lot, just because it's a solid drift shot.
Caddy - An unusual composition, I like how simple it is while being so unexpected at the same time. The colour is just what I like to see
Vanquish - Could use less blur, just got my vote, because that car is so easy to shoot and the surroundings suit it very well. Could've used more padding on the lower border.
That black Elise would've made it for me if it weren't for the wheel being turned in that direction. I understand the other way is more usual and expected, but it's because it looks far better than the textureless black of the tire.