Some really great work, guys. Looks like many people tried hard, even for the qualifying round. Nice to see that. 👍
I'll just make some brief comments on the shots that I voted for:
Toyota GT-One - Although, like said, the car itself could look better, as it lacks cleaning on the roof and some dodging on the right spots to show its curves, it still looks good. The Blur on the background is well applied and the tarmac is decent looking.
It could be even better if it had been cropped a bit on the bottom, getting rid of the worst tarmac textures near the camera and framing the image better all in one step.
The shadow casted by the car is looking pretty good too.
Silvia - Beautiful shot this one (also almost positive on who's shot is this). The angle and lighting are spot on, and the rims look the part the way they're shown. Technically it's superb, with all the dodging/burning done almost flawlessly and the cleanup is great. Also, the way the bad textures on the stairs were disguised is worth noticing.
Only thing I'm not quite fond of is the noise (probably a tad too much), because the car itself is not very big overall, and because it has very fine details, the noise makes it look "dirty" on some spots.
Impreza - I think I recognize the style on this shot too.

The back rim looks slightly (just a tad, really) blurry, but overall it's a great work done all over the car. Cleaning is simple and effective, but that doesn't mean it didn't take quite a while to get it the way it is, exactly the opposite. I know it's hard work, and in this case, it's extremely well executed.
I'd only change 2 things on the image: lose the red background (desaturation or colour change) as it seems to clash with the blue a bit, and the framing, as I find the car a bit too centered on the image.
Amuse S2000 - Apart from the composition, with the car filling much of the frame and thus losing on the overall sense of 'comfort', it is yet another fine work by whoever did it (I think I know who did this one too).
The whole mood thing going on would be enhanced by a framing that showed more of what's around, but still it has a good effect, as the car was very well worked on (though I'm missing some dodging on certain parts to make them more shiny and the hood shutline on the right could use some reworking which would help the whole thing getting near perfection).
Amuse GT1 (at least I think it's the GT1, haven't played Gt4 in quite a while) - I'm really surprised that only a few people voted for it so far. It's in my opinion a really good shot, with a very cool and peaceful feel to it, excellently framed and which at first looks to have not much done to it, but if you look closely (maybe clicking the preview, thus enlarging the image would help for those who don't do it), and you can see some really nice details on how the whole thing got done.
Light spots on the car are incredibly realistic, which gives it all a natural look and makes it easily one of the best shots on this qualifying round.
Mugen S2000 - Very cool shot with a good composition and a good colour scheme.
The car itself looks failry good, which is never easy to achieve with the S2000 model on GT4, as it's incredibly bad textured and mapped, always with lots of jaggies (same goes for all the other S2000's on this poll, of course). The rims look great and extremely well defined.
It could be further improved by making the car stand out more, by dodging some more on the front, making it shine more so at it doesn't look to 'stand in the shade', especially because the lower part of the sky is really bright, appearing to overcome the car when viewed in certain ways.
I'd also like to comment on 2 other shots.
350Z - If the shot is from who I think it is... Why submit an almost unedited shot for a 2.0 tournament qualifying? I've seen some fantastic shots from you and you could easily get that shot to look great (as it has some very good potential).
Toyota 2000GT - I almost voted for it. And now I regret that I didn't. I think the angle and framing are great, as well as the tones, and the car looks very clean. But somehow - I blame myself for that - I kept thinking, while looking at it, that the work done on the car was not as good as it actually is.
It was only after I had cast my votes that I, looking through the pics on my HDD, found a shot of that car and actually realized the work that went on the shot seen on this poll.
For that, I'm sorry, and I really wish I had voted for it. Great job, whoever did it. 👍