Photomode Tournament - Qualifying Round - 2.0 Poll

  • Thread starter NTX

2.0 TOP 8??

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    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Porto, Portugal




This poll is multiple choice.

You may vote for as many photos that you like.
You may only submit your votes 1 time.
Recheck your votes, before you submit.
Make sure all your votes are correct.
If you pay attention to what you are doing, this should not be a problem.
Do not vote for your own entry.

Poll will last for 3 days.


The 8 most voted entries will advance to round 1 of the Tournament

P.S - Of Course, Do Not Vote In Your Own Photo!!!!


Just to remind...
I will now say my opinion about the shots that I voted for (as GTP member, not as Tournament host...lets keep things separated).

Honda S2000 - Damm!!!!!! Super clean shot, fantastic details all over...brutal sense of speed...a true 2.0 shot, no doubt!!!

Toyota GT-ONE - Very cool posing, lovely background...and the "soft" look of the car is really awesome.

Silvia - Oh God!!! Another superb quality shot...lovely tones...and the shiny look is also great!! Well done.

Impreza 22B - BEAUTIFUL!!! Love the brutal looking...and at the same time the peaceful backgorund. Great colours no doubt...and the car has a very good detail (very shiny, looks like it came out of the dealership).

Suzuki Swift - The blue tone is a great touch, very nice thinking. Great blur, great colours...and I love the detail on the lights...very, very good!! But...can the Swift go so fast???

Yellow Honda S2000 - Do I see a Drift?? Yeahh!!! The pose is just amazing...not to mention the detail!!! Quite simple looking, but a very powerful shot!!!

JGTC Supra - Inspite of the detail of the road is kinda poor, I still like the overall shot. The colours and the sense of speed made me vote for it.

Toyota 2000GT - Classic feeling is for me the main "theme" of this photo. Love the car pose, the background is also very nice (the sun is just WOW). The reflections are also very nice shown...a cool classic shot!!

Red Honda S2000 - In this shot the colours are just "delicious". I voted in this shot mostly because of that, but the car detail is also quite nice. A crispy vivid shot, nice done:tup:

This is only my opinion...I´m not saying that "this shot" its better than "other shot".

People love the S2000, huh?

S2000 Backfire - The amount of dodging/burning to get the wheel to look so life-like and metallic is staggering, and the little line of reflection tailing it is the icing on the cake. This will hence-forth be the standard that all backfire shots are judged by.

GT-One - The lack of reflections except for the very defined highlights gives the car a plasticky look, and the road in front of it has a very poorly-added texture. A tough shot to pull off well.

Silvia - Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic; but it doesn't bring anything new to the table in the current photomode environment of super-cleaned-up images. The front doesn't look completely cleaned, but that probably has to do with the complicated lines. I do like seeing rims kept from the same company though, so that was neat. I'm not feeling the noise in this particular one either.

22B - Another I get the feeling I know who did it... a very distinctive cleaning method, but very well done regardless, fog-lights excepted (those are a pain!).

Swift - I'm kind of taken by surprise with how many votes it has right now; it looks like it's floating since the shadow was blurred with the background. Eerily similar to my old 2.0 winner too ;).

S2000 - Incredibly clean shot, and nice realistic tones. The rims could've been swapped out for ones that looked more realistic in motion, but that's a minor thing compared to the cropping. I feel like we're missing out on the bigger picture; the car is leaning odd until you figure out it was slightly drifting, because the image doesn't tell you that part of the story. Which is too bad.

Supra - Another with a fairly realistic tone, and the lighting is something different to me; we are all so concerned with the perfect lighting it's good to see a little too much exposure once in a while. As Nuno said, the road detail is pretty poor. Looks like ingame blur judging by the nose of the car and the sometimes funny blur angles. Detail work!

Amuse - Am I missing something? Why doesn't this have more votes?!

350Z - Yeah yeah, I'm sure I'm not being a nice person here... but it could almost be from the unedited comp. Why go to 2.0?

2000GT - That angle is tough enough to pull off on most cars in the game, on something as complicatedly curvy as the Toyota, it's a feat that the artist didn't bash their head into the monitor in frustration. Not terribly original since it's been done so many times, but this is a quality work!

Spoooooon{/b] - Basically the same comment; the close wide-angle has become a staple of tournaments. The rims look amazing in this!

Lancer - I like it... but another with its owners style speaking very loudly, even without a sig... ;).
Don't you hate it when hours of work have go into a shot and it just fails completely, one which you looked at being quite good but turns out to be quite the opposite.

I haven't had that feeling in awhile and I can't say what I'm experiencing now is a nice one....
Some really great work, guys. Looks like many people tried hard, even for the qualifying round. Nice to see that. 👍

I'll just make some brief comments on the shots that I voted for:

Toyota GT-One - Although, like said, the car itself could look better, as it lacks cleaning on the roof and some dodging on the right spots to show its curves, it still looks good. The Blur on the background is well applied and the tarmac is decent looking.
It could be even better if it had been cropped a bit on the bottom, getting rid of the worst tarmac textures near the camera and framing the image better all in one step.
The shadow casted by the car is looking pretty good too.

Silvia - Beautiful shot this one (also almost positive on who's shot is this). The angle and lighting are spot on, and the rims look the part the way they're shown. Technically it's superb, with all the dodging/burning done almost flawlessly and the cleanup is great. Also, the way the bad textures on the stairs were disguised is worth noticing.
Only thing I'm not quite fond of is the noise (probably a tad too much), because the car itself is not very big overall, and because it has very fine details, the noise makes it look "dirty" on some spots.

Impreza - I think I recognize the style on this shot too. ;)
The back rim looks slightly (just a tad, really) blurry, but overall it's a great work done all over the car. Cleaning is simple and effective, but that doesn't mean it didn't take quite a while to get it the way it is, exactly the opposite. I know it's hard work, and in this case, it's extremely well executed.
I'd only change 2 things on the image: lose the red background (desaturation or colour change) as it seems to clash with the blue a bit, and the framing, as I find the car a bit too centered on the image.

Amuse S2000 - Apart from the composition, with the car filling much of the frame and thus losing on the overall sense of 'comfort', it is yet another fine work by whoever did it (I think I know who did this one too).
The whole mood thing going on would be enhanced by a framing that showed more of what's around, but still it has a good effect, as the car was very well worked on (though I'm missing some dodging on certain parts to make them more shiny and the hood shutline on the right could use some reworking which would help the whole thing getting near perfection).

Amuse GT1 (at least I think it's the GT1, haven't played Gt4 in quite a while) - I'm really surprised that only a few people voted for it so far. It's in my opinion a really good shot, with a very cool and peaceful feel to it, excellently framed and which at first looks to have not much done to it, but if you look closely (maybe clicking the preview, thus enlarging the image would help for those who don't do it), and you can see some really nice details on how the whole thing got done.
Light spots on the car are incredibly realistic, which gives it all a natural look and makes it easily one of the best shots on this qualifying round.

Mugen S2000 - Very cool shot with a good composition and a good colour scheme.
The car itself looks failry good, which is never easy to achieve with the S2000 model on GT4, as it's incredibly bad textured and mapped, always with lots of jaggies (same goes for all the other S2000's on this poll, of course). The rims look great and extremely well defined.
It could be further improved by making the car stand out more, by dodging some more on the front, making it shine more so at it doesn't look to 'stand in the shade', especially because the lower part of the sky is really bright, appearing to overcome the car when viewed in certain ways.

I'd also like to comment on 2 other shots.

350Z - If the shot is from who I think it is... Why submit an almost unedited shot for a 2.0 tournament qualifying? I've seen some fantastic shots from you and you could easily get that shot to look great (as it has some very good potential).

Toyota 2000GT - I almost voted for it. And now I regret that I didn't. I think the angle and framing are great, as well as the tones, and the car looks very clean. But somehow - I blame myself for that - I kept thinking, while looking at it, that the work done on the car was not as good as it actually is.
It was only after I had cast my votes that I, looking through the pics on my HDD, found a shot of that car and actually realized the work that went on the shot seen on this poll.
For that, I'm sorry, and I really wish I had voted for it. Great job, whoever did it. 👍
Don't you hate it when hours of work have go into a shot and it just fails completely, one which you looked at being quite good but turns out to be quite the opposite.

I haven't had that feeling in awhile and I can't say what I'm experiencing now is a nice one....

i get that all the time, specially from the 3rd week of the art comp
It's a sad fact that some Photomode Masters didn't enter, it'd be more funny.

My very short review of the entries is as follows:

S2000. One of the best, if not the best photo all arround. Superb tone mapping and detailling. The rims are always disturbing, but it's something quite difficult to fix.

GTone. All those elements added in Photoshop look like pasted, rather being enhancing the whole photo (i.e the previous S2000). I think a good idea could be to start thinking what to do before chopping, and then think how to execute it.

Silvia. More selective noise would have worked better I guess. This Nismo Silvia is definitely rare :D

Impreza. Great wild look and PS work. All those reflections are interesting and not artificial at all, so this guy is clearly working nice in 2.0 now.

Swift. Everybody knows I don't like very much the blur in the vanishing point surroundings, but this photo and the other best seller version are impressive.

Amuse S2000. This is a very eyecandy photo, I love those sweet colors and that. Its hood is not a common one from this perfectionist man, I was surprised :D

Supra. I was near to vote it, the sunny feeling was nice, but it's based in yellow filtering and dodgering highlights of the car if I'm not wrong. Those surfaces are a bit killed, but the hard light idea is good.

Amuse GT1. This photo has a lot of petential as people said, but the execution is penalizing it voting. The background textures could be easly hidden adding a bit of depth of field blur, and the car's area could be enhanced to light up those spectacular projected sun rays and reflections. It may became a superb photo.

The Z. I don't know what to say!

The photo catches the cool streamline design, and some effort have been put to fix those crazy graphic issues.

Mugen S2000. The photo is nice, but it has been similar photos during these past 4 years because it's a quite simple position. The overexposed sky and ground give a PMC feeling, so I was expecting a more 2.0ish modification.

Evo. I see an evident excessive blur filter there. It's a very dangerous method, I always use it very carefully.
The last shot in the poll is having some problems opening, at least here. If U experience any problem check here the shot before vote, thank U.👍

Yay, I "won"! :D

Thanks for everyone that voted for my shot and commented on it. :cheers:

EDIT: I can't remember a qualifying round for a tournament ever having a shot with 0 votes at the end...
Good job beerzy… I had an feeling it was yours :)

After a bit of panic, I'm quite happy my shot made it through. It's time to lift my gain for round one... bring it on!
yeah but speedy, you must be glad you didn't get zero. i didn't think mine would do well either, least not enough to get third anyways. who did that almost uneditted nissan anyways ? it doesn't belong in this bracket. i mean not to be mean, but it just doesn't comply... i tihnk you did a great job speedy. next time will be your turn.congrats to beerzy for winning this one!
Congrats to all that entered in the qualifying round. is who made each shot, from the top to the bottom of the poll:

Tangled Web
Swiss Legend
GT Pro

The Top 8 will now advance to Round 1, get ready:tup:
Wow, I thought the Swift was from SlipZtrem lol. I never suspectect the Supra was from him, I'm more surprised now.

Nice, at least I passed the qualify. I entered a photo I liked to leave, so I'm hungry to start with hardcore things :D
Congrats to all that made to cut!!

I bummed that I didn't even get a vote, but considering how much more needed to be done with my shot, I get what I deserved. Unfortunately I got hit with mandatory Overtime everyday last week, and just ran out of time, and since I already had made a few hue adjustments, I couldn't enter in PMC.

Oh well, looks like I'll be on the outside looking in, for the Tournament, Good luck to all!
Speeds - I liked your shot (that's why I voted for it, duh), but unlike many photos on the poll, I couldn't tell who could've done that one. It's a good work, don't worry about that. Like I said before, probably a bit of cropping on the bottom would be enough to make it have quite a few more votes. 👍

jacoja - so it was yours. :) Like I said on my overview comment, I 'm really sorry for not having voted for it. Great work you did on that car, mate. :cheers:

Like alex said, I never figured the Castrol Supra was Slipz's shot, especially compared to the fantastic Aston Martin he entered for the 2.0 comp just a while ago, with the fantastic blur on the road.

Swiss - great shot you got there, I really loved it.
Speeds - I liked your shot (that's why I voted for it, duh), but unlike many photos on the poll, I couldn't tell who could've done that one. It's a good work, don't worry about that. Like I said before, probably a bit of cropping on the bottom would be enough to make it have quite a few more votes. 👍

I know it didn't have my "style". But then again, I'd left the photomode so long that I actually forgot my style. So..Its sort of like starting a fresh. I tried new techniques that I'd never done before on that like the dodging and burning on the edges. So it was a trial thing. Thanks for your help though I might go change some stuff on it now.
Why do I have the impression that, if the photos on the poll had signature, some of the votes would be a little different? Of course, there are some shots with unique styles like NTX, Tangled Web and jgda9rs, but some of them were really a surprise.

I know, my shot is a little (maybe a bit too much) similar to one of Slipztrem 2.0 shot (that is far superior than mine), but I couldn’t take the image of that shot away from my head, so, I had to shoot it…I didn’t mean to plagiarize; it was more like an inspiration to me.

I don't think it's THAT similar, both have different moods to them, different styles too, regardless. 👍
Next time my amuse s2000 will be the cream of the crop.(if it fits the theme that is:dopey:)

Those were some flippin amazing entries. Congrats to all you guys who make owned! Next time......

Swiss - great shot you got there, I really loved it.

Thanks a lot mate! Yours was a work of art. truly a work of art.

Why do I have the impression that, if the photos on the poll had signature, some of the votes would be a little different? Of course, there are some shots with unique styles like NTX, Tangled Web and jgda9rs, but some of them were really a surprise.
I agree, everyone pretty much knows everyone elses style(s) too. To see some surprises though was very different.
Now I know who have entered the tournament
Pretty interesting lineup ... The final will be very interesting 👍
Great to see some of you making progress on PS skills
I purposely didn't post in the entry thread so that there would be a bit of mystery to it. I also didn't stick to my now-favoured aspect ratio.

Beerz; you're the only one who voted for the Aston! I really liked that one too, and I wanted to do something more in that style (taking a look at GT5P pics for inspiration), but seeing the reaction, I decided against it. I didn't have enough time to work on a full blur shot, so I had to use in-game, and focused on a realistic, very bright sun kind of shot. I purposely drowned out some of the detail... I remember one of Sejtur's shots of the Cerumo and how awesome a racing Supra could look in the right light, so that was my inspiration. Oh well, I'll sit on the sidelines for this one.

LdS' did remind me of my old shot right away, though the afore-mentioned issue with the "floating" look threw me off. The location/angle is more like Krame's Evo shot from one of the previous tourney's though.

I think it's incredible that after all these years, we all have got our own recognizeable styles now, meaning that even without sigs it's fairly easy to tell who's done what. Tangled's skies are a giveaway for me, for example. Well done everybody!