Photomode Tournament - ROUND 2 - PMC POLL

  • Thread starter NTX

Round 2 winners are??

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Porto, Portugal



This poll is multiple choice.

You must vote for one photo in each match, all at the same time.
You may only submit your votes 1 time,
so if you don´t vote in all matches the first time, you cannot come back and vote again later.
Recheck your votes, before you submit.
Make sure all your votes are correct.
If you pay attention to what you are doing, this should not be a problem.
Do not vote in your entry.
Do not vote in the matches titles or your vote will not count.
Poll will last for 3 days.
Good luck to everyone

Very very very amazing entries from Killer Brock5000, Nickysereia and UnoMOTO :eek: :eek: :eek:


Thank you for the 👍 I was happy with my entry and hoped it would do well.
Great entries from all around. The votes seem very uniform in the most battles, except in the Black and White theme (the only real close battle). Good luck atlop. 👍
Yea black and white in this one and black and white in round 1 both very close!

What a bunch of coincidences. First picture of each battle is winning. And what’s more funny, is that we both (me and Atlop) have a white BMW in the shot, and what I found more funny is that in my rejected picture I had a with BMW vs. a Black Mercedes.
Ah well, looks like im out!

Your car choice might have hurt you. Even though the IS 300 is listed in the American dealers, I don't think anyone looks at a Lexus as an American car.
I'm not surprised a bit that I'm taking a heavy beating but I'm surprised that I'm not running at zero points! Great shot, Brock! 👍
not an attack on you, [es] but, i think that it is wierd not to vote for a car, because of its japanese origins.
I'm not surprised a bit that I'm taking a heavy beating but I'm surprised that I'm not running at zero points! Great shot, Brock! 👍

Thanks Greycap, I think you found an interesting position for your shot, I quite like it 👍
[empty space];2776508
perhaps ... but, if you wanted to use a red car there, why not use a viper or old muscle car?

I dont know :P i suppose i wanted a slightly more hgh tec look. i really like the rear headlights of that lexus!
What a bunch of coincidences. First picture of each battle is winning. And what’s more funny, is that we both (me and Atlop) have a white BMW in the shot, and what I found more funny is that in my rejected picture I had a with BMW vs. a Black Mercedes.
I tried a couple of combinations, mostly with RUF but then went back to the first shot I took.

Good luck to you, still close. 👍
Best shot of this poll is (imo of course) Atlop's. It stands out from all the others, not that they are bad at all. But that shot, when you think it's PMC, is a fantastic shot. Tones, angle, composition, realism, car sharpness (both of them - and with fully spinning wheels, very hard to get), just awesome. 👍