Photomode Tournament - The Return??

  • Thread starter NTX

your choice

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  • Poll closed .


Porto, Portugal

Well its been awhile since the last Photomode Tournament, and personally I´m missing this great competition. I wanna do it one more time, but I know its quite hard to gather 32 people to fill both divisions (2.0 and PMC) I have this idea of doing it only one of them. A qualifying round would be made to determinate the 16 most voted shots to enter in Round 1.
Now the thing is, are you guys interested...or not. I´m including a poll to see what you guys think. Vote if U want to see a Tournament with a 2.0 division, or a Tournament with the PMC division. You guys can also vote if you don´t wanna see a Photomode Tournament at all.
Please let me know your opinion guys. If U guys have a positive feedback, I will do again this great competition.👍

If any of you guys don´t know what is the Photomode Tournament, check this link
What about having both 2.0 and PMC, but 8 people on each instead of 16?

I think we shouldn't drop either division, because fact is, there are some people (like me and other members) that usually only go for the 2.0, and there are other people (not necessarily newer or less talented members) who always go for the PMC division.
In fact, there have been tournaments in which some of the PMC shots submitted were in many ways better than some of the 2.0's. (mainly speaking of 2.0's on qualifying round and round 1 when there were many more people around)

Speaking of qualifying round, I sincerely believe there should be one.
I'm saying this because usually there are lots of people that go with the 2.0 division and enter almost unedited shots.
This isn't to say that the more editing the better (we all know that), but if someone only uses B/C on their editing, then that person should be running on the PMC division.

I'm also saying this because lately, and relating to what I wrote just above, I've been seeing quite a few unedited shots on 2.0 comps, and if I'm sure everyone agrees the only reason they make it to the polls is precisely due to the lack of participants on some weeks (probably the theme wasn't pleasing, or maybe people just didn't have enough time to get a shot ready for that particular week), I believe I can say with some comfort that it doesn't 'click'.

All this to say that I really would like to have the Tournament returning, but with both divisions, a qualifying round and of course, our mate Nuno steering the boat, like he's done quite a few times before, always with great sucess. 👍


EDT - Your idea is also quite interesting Beerz, nice thought:tup:
I had the idea also of shortening the field if there weren't enough people too. Beerz get the cred tho! heh, I wish I was around for the past tournaments. This sounds incredibly cool. I can't wait to participate.
I'm sorry if I'm ruining the party and all, but I say NO. Simple because there isn't enough people to gather interest with. Almost anything which has a great anticipation almost turns to nothing later on. Just look at the magazine comp, the sound & speed comp, and also the Artistic comp (how many entries are there?) but I'm not saying that they are unpopular or anything, its just that many people are busy. But then again, the tournament isn't a weekly thing, and the deadline is much longer, then again, how many participants are there gonna be?

Maybe the poll should have an "unedited" tournament. I simply would vote for that simple because its the simplest and anyone can enter a shot straight from the usb (which helps a lot of newer members here as well as people who doesn't have PS/GIMP, etc.)
Well Musa, I think that this Tournament has interest. I know that times have changed, in past Tournaments the number of people entering was "insane", but I think if we short it a can be done once again. Thanks for your comment anyway mate, I know its your opinion (and I´m not mad 👍).

I want to know some more opinions, so feel free to say what U guys think:)
I'm definitely for bring the tourney back, just because its fun being pitted against one another and everything. I voted for just bringing back the 2.0 side though, mainly because I don't like using PMC rules.

I do sorta like the idea of shortening the field, but I don't think we should decide on that right off. I think we should leave it at 16, then judge by how many people enter into the qualifying round whether or not we should drop the number of people from 16 to 8, or some other number for that matter.
I did well in the last one and would be up for the PMC again.

I haven't put GT4 in the new PS3 yet so this would get me back into the flow.
The tournament is the one competition that usually brings some of the old vets out of hiding. Usually participation isn't an issue.

I'm up for it, we won't need as many spots as usual, and I personally approve of keeping the qualifier.
The tournament is the one competition that usually brings some of the old vets out of hiding. Usually participation isn't an issue.

I'm up for it, we won't need as many spots as usual, and I personally approve of keeping the qualifier.

Exactly. Word by word. 👍
So I see that there is enough interest to do the Photomode Tournament. So, I will follow Beerz advice and do a 2.0/PMC Tournament with 8 spots to fill to Round 1. The qualification Round will start during this be ready for more info.

Thanks guys, hope this Tournament can be once again a sucess!!!:)
Awesome...I'm not sure which side I will enter in though, I don't think I'm quite up to scratch in 2.0 yet...and not good enough to take decent shots from stock and make them winners. This is going to be a tough choice.
If it's starting that 'early', I can get a shot for the qualifying round, but since I still don't have my new PS3 (if I pass the quali round), I can't guarantee to have shots that fit the themes on my HD.
Is qualifying a free round, like no theme?

If so, I might be in luck....

Was it before? I can't remember. I think it was just a really vague kind of in general theme, to insure that no one had an excuse for not entering.
Was it before? I can't remember. I think it was just a really vague kind of in general theme, to insure that no one had an excuse for not entering.

Neither can I...thats why I asked....
Last time we had a qualifying round, the theme for both 2.0 and PMC was:

Theme: Japan VS USA
Cars: Any Japanese or American car(s) (racing models can be used)
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes

So, as you can see, pretty broad theme, so that anyone can have a shot for it.

Last qualifying round poll:
(it's great to see these awesome shots again)
Yeah, I hope one of my shots that I'm sorting in Photoshop will fit the theme!
The qualifying round will include a theme. I will choose a pretty wide one, no worries people.👍
Lets make things official, the season starts this Friday, March 28 with the qualifying round:tup: