photoshop burnout tutorial?

Do any of you photoshop gurus know how to or have a link to a good tutorial on how to make a car look like its doing a burnout? I can do the wheelspin but I'm looking more for a realistic smoke tutorial. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried

I don't know if they have a tutorial on one, but they helped me do wheelspins. 👍
When your smoke is a layer by itself, just darken that layer. I hope I answered that right. If not post what you want done and I'll see if I can help. Maybe someone else can too.
I've been looking for a frontal pic of a GTR doing a burnout but seeing as how nobody wants to be runover I can't find any, so I want to make one but I want it to look real :)
I'm not really sure what you mean by darker... but if you want that smoke to be more thicker so you can't see through the smoke... don't lower the opacity so much...
That's how i did this smoke...

If you want the color to be more darker then just then just choose more darker colors at the start... or you can create black layer above the smoke layer and then just lower the opacity of the black layer...

Just try different colors and opacitys and you'll find the right ones for your pic...

Hope this helps :dopey:
I'm not really sure what you mean by darker... but if you want that smoke to be more thicker so you can't see through the smoke... don't lower the opacity so much...
That's how i did this smoke...

If you want the color to be more darker then just then just choose more darker colors at the start... or you can create black layer above the smoke layer and then just lower the opacity of the black layer...

Just try different colors and opacitys and you'll find the right ones for your pic...

Hope this helps :dopey:

Alright guys thanks alot I'll give it a shot :D