Photoshop Request

  • Thread starter drew259
A buddy did this on another forum and i know some of you guys here have some real talent.

I have a truck that im looking to touch up a little bit and i was wondering if anyone here would photoshop it to see what it would look like before i dump some money into the real deal. What i want todo is make it a 2 tone, sorta a factory look also. The bottom half of the body i want to paint black, i say the bottom half but really i mean the bottom 12-18 inches. Ill include a picture of the 2 tone type i would like. I also want to paint the wheels Black with some of that chrome wheel paint from duplacolor i think. I will also be getting the windows tinted a little darker. The top will stay red but the bottom color will be black. Also i will be removeing the bottom trim piece from the doors.

So if anyone wants could you give it a shot and see what you come up with :)

Since the resolution of your picture is so low, I didn't bother spending much time keeping the edges clean but it should give you some idea.

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Never underestimate the power of a man when he's bored.

And to think it all started because I wanted to take the glare off of the box... :lol:
Why? You guys think it looks better red and chrome? Maybe if anyone wants todo a chrome version just add some chrome rocker panels.

I think it's pretty cool TB, all of them.