Physical and Mental strength in enduros

What's the point of the pit strategy when it comes to strength levels in endurance races? Even where I've got 4 Bobs, they don't regenerate enough strength to go more than a lap before they have to pit, leading to my Bobs pitting EVERY lap!

If I just turn that off, that problem goes away, but it means that the drivers will go on racing until the fuel is empty, and that means they're driving around on 0 strength for most of the race.

I don't think this has been thought through properly.
My Bobs range from 30 to about 25, so they are pretty experienced. I'm not sure if higher level Bobs take longer to get tired than a lvl 0 Bob. Still, I'm racing in enduros that are around lvl 25 - 30, so it's not as if I'm putting the Bobs in races they shouldnt' handle.
There is no point in the Pit Strategy at all. Just leave it all off and bob will pit whenever he needs tyres or fuel.
So the strength indicators are not relevant for the Bobs' performances?

Low level bobs will make more mistakes with low strength if you push them to go too fast, though they seem to manage fine when driving with no strength when they are cool.
What level do you set the pit strategy at?
What track are you racing at?

It looks like I'm at about the same level as your bobs, and with the pit strategy set to 10 they can do anywhere from 10 to 20 laps, depending on how hard I'm pushing them. That's more or less comparable to how many laps the AI is getting in between pit stops. How does your bobs strength compare to the AI?

I've tried with the pit strategy at 10, on several of the enduros (last one was 1000 km suzuka). They do well in their first stint, with their strength going from 100% to 10% when they pit. In their next stint it seems like they havent recovered at all, so only get 2 or 3 laps before they pit. After that they pit after one lap.

Havent tried with for instance 50% but I would imagine it to be the same only their first good stint would be much shorter.

Haven't compared with the AI, but if the "correct" way of playing this is that all strength is drained in each of the drivers in their first stint and then never recover, I can't understand what the point of the strength meter was in the first place.
When you look at the screen where you select the bobs to enter into the race, how much strength do your bobs have? Mine are between the half way and three quarter level on the bar graph. As long as I let all the drivers go in turn, they seem to regenerate fully by the time they are driving again.

Bobs are, simply put, a bunch of retards who can't drive.

Man... I hate 'em with so much passion. They are always braking and staying behind other cars, they can't pass even if you command them 30 times to OVERTAKE.

I *REALLY* hope PD will do something with that in v1.09, that'd be nice because I love B-speccing... but as of right now, it sucks.

If you don't give your bob the X2010 or a 800HP car, he will fail. (At Professionnal at least...)
Bobs are, simply put, a bunch of retards who can't drive.

Man... I hate 'em with so much passion. They are always braking and staying behind other cars, they can't pass even if you command them 30 times to OVERTAKE.

I *REALLY* hope PD will do something with that in v1.09, that'd be nice because I love B-speccing... but as of right now, it sucks.

If you don't give your bob the X2010 or a 800HP car, he will fail. (At Professionnal at least...)

I only find that to be the case if the driver has earned his level remote racing. I did an experiment and trained two guys from lvl 0, just regular b-spec events and a lot of coaching. I can leave them alone in most races and they kill it. This is in pro, expert and endurance. When I put them in remote races now against my other higher level bobs they almost always come in 1 and 2. When training them I also made sure to give them only average cars.
Just to make that point further, my level 32 bob that I trained exclusively doing real races (no remotes) just finished the FGT championship set without a single command. I only told him when to pit, how much gas and what tires. Although I don't know if that is unusual or not. He's a fully hot Bob.

** Edit - He golded all the races.
I've got a lvl 36 and 37 bob that I trained before remote racing, I've got a lvl 35 bob that is very hot headed and been leveled up through remote racing, he almost always places higher in remote racing than my classically trained bob's, and does better in b-spec as well. I don't think remote racing or regular b-spec matters when it comes to their experience. It has more to do with their personality. If they're a hot head they're more prone to pass and take a few more risks. the cool guys will turn more consistent laps when not in traffic though.
Usually, anything below 15 will be affected by strength/mental strength values.
at around 20+, 1 bob can finish any enduro, and will pit only when fuel run out/tyres die.
Bobs are, simply put, a bunch of retards who can't drive.

Man... I hate 'em with so much passion. They are always braking and staying behind other cars, they can't pass even if you command them 30 times to OVERTAKE.

I *REALLY* hope PD will do something with that in v1.09, that'd be nice because I love B-speccing... but as of right now, it sucks.

If you don't give your bob the X2010 or a 800HP car, he will fail. (At Professionnal at least...)

Here's a solution:Retire all of your Bobs, make as many as allowed with max red or max blue, Use this thread to find people to level your bobs to at least 20 (about 1 week), and make sure to remember what the advantages of certian bobs are.
  1. Blue: best when left alone/starts at top of grid with best car
  2. Red: Best when cars are restricted (FGT Champio) and competition is close.
After your fourth driver it starts to let you pick your next driver I think. They don't start at full strength but it's higher than the last driver will be after pitting.

I've not noticed a difference though just letting them drive on empty strengths. No fainting or weeping or anything.
Use this thread to find people to level your bobs to at least 20 (about 1 week)

If you enter the new Bobs in as high level race as possible they will level up pretty fast. My latest Bob's first race was the "Like the Wind" in an X2010. He soiled his pants (and cried for mama to let him go back to the gokart series for most of the laps) but went from like level 0 to level 15 in one race. Ever scince that he utterly hates me, but the philosophy of my racing team is "What not kills you makes you stronger. And if it kills you we promise to send flowers to your funeral" and that was clearly written in the contract he signed when I hired him.

EDIT: Or perhaps it was level 0-12 or something, don't quite remember. It was a huge boost anyway.

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