Pick a movie. Keep one actor. The rest are Muppets.

  • Thread starter Famine
The first fast and furious, and I'll keep Vin Diesel.
This is a very strong start, because I can totally picture it.

Kermit as Brian, Miss Piggy as Letty, Animal as Vince, Fozzy as Jesse, Waldorf and Statler as Tanner and Bilkins, The Swedish Chef as Jonny Tran... *mwah*
Locke, keep Tom Hardy.... :dunce:.
I hate you.
Hunt for Red October. Keep Sean Connery.
But then the Swedish Chef would have to be the bad guy. And also you'd be replacing Tim Curry, and I'm pretty sure that's an illegal move.

I could see Gonzo as Alec Baldwin, Rolf as Jones, Kermit as Mancuso, and Miss Piggy in the literally sole female role of Cathy Ryan.

"Animal, one ping only."
Full Metal Jacket.

Keep R. Lee Ermy as I want to see Gunnery Sergeant Hartman shouting at a bunch of muppets. Plus Kermits' war face would be a picture :lol:.
Err, I can't think of a good one, but I still want to play.

Star Wars Episode IV, keep James Earl Jones as Darth Vader's voice.
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