Cheers very much BMW power, good specs.
I will go and check chris's car website, got a LOAD of pics and specs with the pics.
ok, this is a funny local story up here that happened yesterday right.
Well there is this numpty that lives up the road from me, and there is this cool guy who lives the opposite side of the valley,( he plays alot of GT3 and we compare how well we have done)
Well anyway this idiot was cycling down when he noticed what he thought was a ferrari it was actually an old porsche 911( he thinks he knows alot about cars as well, FOOL
) so he rushes back and phones my cool friend about this great ferrari parked on the side of the road, so my friend asked his mum if he could drive him down to see it, course when he got there they were PISSED OFF to find it was only an old 911.
It shows that this idiots (who phoned my cool friend) I.Q is how should i put it, BELOW room temperature.
Some people just don't know enough about cars, there should be a class in school that teaches you about cars.
I would get top marks and everyone on this forum, and the school would go on field trips to car exhibitions, F1 racing, car shows, sports car museums.
And tell you to draw and name the cars.