Planning to develop a retraux-style racing game.

United States
Fort Worth
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So I've been thinking about making a racing game for years and years straight after a history of playing many racing games. The game I plan to make is a racing simulation that has PS1-esque graphics so that many people can play the game with a fairly powerful computer, not much workload on the system.

The only problem is, while I know how to make GUI's and menus, as well as code and program, I am not that experienced at modeling things from scratch.

My main question is, what would be a good program to make a racing game on? Unity? Or something else?
Iam in the same process, personally using unity 4/5.i started the build in February at the beginning of this year. Some things concern me with your concept. Firstly that you trying to make a simulator ....

Now I don't know if you have a team behind you but for a sim you are going to need a lot of help. If I was you I would I wouldn't start with a sim I would create a racing game then update it with sim elements as your project goes forward.

My second concern is what platform do yo want to support? As ps1 graphics are never going to make a revival unlike pixel based games as that truly is a artform. quick bit of advice max everything to your best ability create everything at the highest quality textures, models , sounds absolutely everthing. As this gives you a chance of creating a menu were the user controls the quality per system spec. It also means you can port to mobile and next gen cosoles with minimal work.

Now from your opening post you seem to be capable to with the harder elements as In programing and thar is a great start. You have a few choices of game engine wise unity 4 or 5 and the unreal engine these are free.

Now for the models this will be a hurdle even simple models can take upto 20 hours to complete and you will have to create everything terrain track trackside objects rocks grass trees .. Sky's absolutely everthing. Unless you outsource some of the work. There are a lot of 3d program that can get free, I would recommend blender sketchup as free options. You can get 3ds max free if your a student or know someone who is just get them to sign up for you.

Now if you really want to invest in yourself I would set yourself a actually budget for software. As just this week I had to make a tough choice do I buy a ps4 or software?

Few threads here are worth a read eran0004 made a thread about programming a driving simulator and it's a good read also the 3D Modelling thread were you can learn a lot and ask questions if you get into trouble.

Well I have rambled on far to long so last thing to say is Good luck :)
Iam in the same process, personally using unity 4/5.i started the build in February at the beginning of this year. Some things concern me with your concept. Firstly that you trying to make a simulator ....
Well, I should kinda modify my agenda a bit. I'm not gonna go straight off the bat and make a racing sim in the vein of Gran Turismo just yet, it's just me doing this so far, and I have no idea how to complete such mechanics just alone as an individual, would take ages :lol:

I should say, for what my definition of simulation is, where the physics give off a level of realism in the game. I am doing a sort of an F2P arcade-ish style game with realistic physics, with time limits in race and continues and all that stuff.

My second concern is what platform do yo want to support? As ps1 graphics are never going to make a revival unlike pixel based games as that truly is a artform. quick bit of advice max everything to your best ability create everything at the highest quality textures, models , sounds absolutely everthing. As this gives you a chance of creating a menu were the user controls the quality per system spec. It also means you can port to mobile and next gen cosoles with minimal work.

I mainly wanted to make the game for PC only, but I may consider having mobile support if it can handle it. I do plan on utilizing lower-grade graphics so that, as I have stated in my OP, many people can play the game, regardless of how powerful their computer is. Not sure about low power PCs, though.

For an example of graphics, I would say something at the level of this:

Something similar to Gran Turismo 2000, where they took the models from Gran Turismo 2 and upped the resolution a bit.

Wait, Unreal engine is free? Since when? :eek:
When you talk about "modelling from scratch", do you mean modelling the 3D mesh or modelling the physics?

Here's a great tutorial for how to model a low-poly Camaro in Blender (but I guess the approach would be similar regardless of which software you're using):

As for the physics, this is the best source I've found. It covers most of the basics: Physics for Games/Car Physics for Games.html
I am doing a sort of an F2P arcade-ish style game with realistic physics, with time limits in race and continues and all that stuff.

Well that's really confusing arcade game with realistic physics? sorry to say you will have to pick either one or the other or have two physic models like gt2. that's twice the coding. By your description of what you would like i would say something like daytona usa you be aiming for arcade but still has a bit of fake slip.

Now Actual models, it's essential that you make the best Quality models you possible can i cannot express this point enough, as this will then be a asset in your arsenal and you can use it for other game's with a few tweaks and new textures, think of it as a vhs on a blue ray disc. yeah it's a bluray but vhs quality you cannot add quality to a bad source but you can downscale quality without to much hassle and it would still look sweet. You cannot polish a turd! period! (i know mythbusters did)

The example you shown would look absolute trash on a high resolution monitor as it was modeled and designed to be used on a CRT Tube tv hence the nasty jaggies.

Also if you are actually aiming for pc players you will alienate more people with bad graphics as the Pc boys are quite elitists and are likely to have high spec pc's if they do most there gaming on a pc rig.

Well were here to help if you need it. ;)

p.s I will advise you not to use Unity 5 or unreal engine for a car game as the physix wheel collider is broken i wasted over a month trying to work around it with no fluid predictable results. only last night i had enough and reverted to unity4