plastic surgery

  • Thread starter Beamer2
Their money they can do whatever they want with it. At least they will look better if the surgery goes well. Also helps emotionally. :)
i dont really care for it either, i mean i would never have it done. but i guess if some people think its a good idea then go ahead-you only live once, and i beleive life is about having as much fun as possible. its your body, and you should be able to do want with it. keep in mind though that im not for or against it, just saying that its an individual's own decision.
If you want to have your body cut up, go ahead.

I don't really care for going under a knife to look better, though.
i wasnt referring to getting plastic surgery myself- i meant the topic in general.
Hey, if some girl wants bigger breasts, who am I to stop her? :sly:

Some men complain that fake breasts feel fake, who cares, cus they're real when I'm touchin'em. :lol:
Extreme Makeover's is funny. To me the "contestants" look the same after the procedure, except they have make-up and a larny dress/suit on.

I think going under the knife for cosmetic reasons is only excuseable if the person in question has a cleft palate or something like that. Otherwise, they are just damn fools.

Fake bewbs are 👎 in my book. They dont look nice; the apparently... doesnt look natural around the area in question.
Couldn't agree with you more, Mike. Save cosmetic surgery for people who really need it, like victims of accidents or burns. I can understand people who were extremely overweight and after slimming down are left with big lumps of skin as well. But that's pretty much the limit.

Sometimes I think people are just too lazy to work on their inner beauty instead, because it involves more work than going under a knife, or inject some garbage into your lips or whatever. People should realise that what is really important is that you're yourself, and you look like yourself. I always find that the people I get to know and love become beautiful to me, not the other way around. It's called association and it actually works.

In terms of sex appeal, wow how unimportant it is while making love. Worse, since tactile sense is what it's all about, if I touch someone the other should feel something or the game doesn't work. Yet most cosmetic surgery reduces feeling in the 'affected parts'. And nipples are my favorite part, I'm a sucker for them ... :dopey:
I'll add a triple "ditto". I agree that it's their bodies and their money; they can do what they want. But I also agree that for purely cosmetic reasons it's an incredibly stupid and risky thing to do.

I can nearly always spot it, no matter what it was - nose, chin, eyelids, boobs. It's always obvious, and usually no more attractive than the original thing was. And my immediate response is not "wow, that person looks good now!" but "wow, that person must have serious issues to have done something like that!"
Gotta agree with neon. But sometimes plastic surgery isn't always cosmetic, but corrective.

Hell, in the end, if they like it, it's ok for them, until they find out few other people like it too.
Of course people who do what they want with their money.

Most of the time plastic surgery is probably an over reaction to insecurity.

That being said, sometimes people just have really ugly features. Sometimes you see a really unfortunate honker on someone's face and say "she'd be really pretty if it weren't for that tucan beak." Some people have so much boobage that they'd look a heck of lot better if they could get a reduction (I'm not a big breast guy myself). Some people have no lips and they'd look a lot better with a little help.

Personally I've been considering getting a hair plugs 'cause I'm well underway at thinning out. Of course, I'm also thinking I could just do the bald thing.
Thus far I only know one person that has done the cosmetic surgery thing and didn't look absurd afterwards.
A friend underwent breast augmentation, because she was pretty flat. She was also very unhappy with her looks. (funny, I always thought she was pretty hot) She upgraded to a C-cup. And she does look better than she did. And the last time she hugged me, she didn't feel "artificial".

By the same token I also know another woman who went for the "Pamela Anderson Special" and her boobs enter the room 3 minutes ahead of her. She was absolutely stunning before. Now she's merely a cute chick with huge knockers.

I think that a lot of it can be done a whole lot more "tastefully" than it usually is.
But then I bet a lot more people have lipo, and collagen without looking freakish.
Anyone else here about the Botox scandal in the Canadian Dog Show circuit? botox used on dogs........ that's just pathetic....
Well I think it's silly 99% of the times. If you look at L.A. where the pressure on everyone to have hot bodies (read to wear clothes and bodies according to current fashion) apparently is very high, loads of people have plastic surgery. But I'll be damned if any of them are any happier than 98% of the world that doesn't bother with plastic surgery.

I'd rather turn it around - people are unhappy BECAUSE they're obsessed with external beauty, instead of working on and looking for internal beauty. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it really, really shines through.
I hate plastic surgery. It's the worst thing modern medicine has come up with.

Boob jobs are the absolute worst, though. I don't know why, but all I can think when I touch a fake breast is plastic. I just see little beads of plastic in my mind, like the plastic flake from DuPont.
Congratulations on reviving a 7 month old thread.

Plastic surgery is fine with me, I have no say in other peoples matters so I won't bother. But if it can make my nose straighter or my ears not be the size of pancakes (PANCAKES!!!1) then I guess I'll fall for it. Ridiculously low-priced, however.
As long as there is a market :sly: , for plastic surgery, I'm all for it. Just as long as the person is aware of the risks involved, I think its all right.

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