Play-by-play, anyone ever did it?

Has anyone ever attempted to create a play-by-play commentary to AC?

I mean to have something like CrewChief doing the work... much like in FIFA, NHL, NBA games...

Strange that no racing game ever had a PBP commentary.

This guy attempted something a bit like that (I haven't tested it yet because haven't quite figured out how)

Just thinking about how amazing it would be to have Murray Walker and James Hunt commenting on the vintage F1 races.

Maybe it would be HUGE work to do and it'd be impossible to make the commentators actually commenting the right things at the right time because there's no source code. But some kind of "general phrases" could be done I think. Like the presentation before the race and the commentators telling the race order and adding some random stuff here and there... telling the history of particular drivers... and all that.

Just a thought. :)
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