Playseat evolution DIY shifter holder

  • Thread starter subyhau
So a friend of mine doesnt play much more racing games so he borrow me his playseat and he dosent have the shifter holder and I have a g27 and since this playseat isnt mine I doesnt want to waste 30 dollars or more buying the playseat shifter holder. What can I do to create a shifter holder that works well?
Unless you are familiar with welding and know where to get scrap metal on the cheap, I'd recommend just buying the shift holder or don't use it at all. Maybe your friend will go in for half the cost with you? With such a specific part it'll most likely be easier to save yourself the headache and buy one. GL!

Could just find a chair/stool/table or something thats the right side to put next to it, weight it down with something and clamp the shifter onto that.

I've seen some people use cinderblocks next to their rigs as shifter mounts, not sure if theyd be tall enough for being next to the playseat though.