Please allow Cockpit View in Replays of Online races

GBO Possum

Not quite the oldest member. Yet.
United States
This current limitation in GT6 ONLY applies to replays of online races.

To verify this, choose any car which provides cockpit view when you drive it.
Take it to an arcade event, and drive for say 10 seconds
Quit the race, and play the replay
Put the replay into cockpit view

Now take the same car into an online race.
Save the replay
Play the replay
No Cockpit View!
I'd like to have all views in all modes. There are 2 excellent 'Interior View' angles available from the replay menu which should be made available for online races too. Why not just give all all views in all modes, & let us cycle through them all with the Select button instead of having some hidden away in another menu. More evidence of sloppy & thoughtless game design.
I'd like to have all views in all modes. There are 2 excellent 'Interior View' angles available from the replay menu which should be made available for online races too. Why not just give all all views in all modes, & let us cycle through them all with the Select button instead of having some hidden away in another menu. More evidence of sloppy & thoughtless game design.

Yes, good points. I also like the interior views.