Please excuse my incompetence.

  • Thread starter CAM


Welcome Home, Deuce.
United States
Pirate Nation
I have been searching around this forum and thought I found the proper way to edit my avatar and profile picture. But whenever I copy and paste the URL from Google Images into the bar and hit "Save Changes," the page says "Invalid File." Please help.
What file extension is it? Please copy and paste the URL here so we can see if there's indeed something wrong with it.
Even if you're using a file from the 'net, it still has to end in .gif, .jpg, or .png; there's also the warning below:

Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 20.0 KB (whichever is smaller).

It will re-size a large-sized image, but the quality of the image will suffer. Most URLs that show an image sourced from Google images will not end in those extensions, so you have to Save As > [filename.ext] and then upload it using "Option 2 - Upload Image From Your Computer ". Copying and pasting the URL won't work for that reason.
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I tried the copy paste method. But when I clicked on the option 2 button it brought up the picture menu, and when I tried to paste the image in it, it wouldn't paste.
Then the image is too big, too large in file size, or possibly created with the intention that you cannot simply copy-and-save their images ( uses this method, for example).
Thank you for the help! I will continue trying and come back here if I meet anymore trouble.

EDIT: This is way too frustrating, I'm not sure if I'm just terrible with a computer or what. Not a single picture will copy into the box that pops up when you click "Upload File" and no URLs work at all. I'm just copy-pasting the URL in and it says "Invalid File" without fail.
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Whenever I paste the image URL here, it is about four text boxes long. I have a feeling it isn't right.
Can't tell if troll...

Could you please just post the URL? There's no way we can tell if it's right or not without the URL, like I said on the second post of this thread.

[Edit: You broke the internexus! -Pupik]

I'm not a troll, I'm just really bad with computers sometimes. Sorry guys :guilty:
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That cant be the url right? how many pages you go through to get into that picture.

- Find the picture you want right click, click on properties.
- copy image location.
- right click and past it in the image url space, click upload. image url should look something like this

Are the pictures you speak of on an actual webpage or Google Images? I don't see properties when I right click.
CAM, are you trying to use a webpage-generated image as an avatar? Such as from

The code generated by such webpages is special so that you can't hotlink from them and eat their bandwidth.
Can you give me some examples of an image that would be compatible so I could try those?

Once again, I would like to apologize to everyone. I am not the best with working computers, thanks for bearing with me :)
Can you give me some examples of an image that would be compatible so I could try those?

Sure, but please address my question, you're ignoring it just like the URL thing. Information is power and you refuse to give us information.

Try to use this as your avatar:

Code corrected below
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I honestly have no idea what your talking about in that post, but I can try to tell you what I did: first I went to Google Images, searched the topic I wanted, found a photo, and right clicked it (using Windows Vista). A small menu popped up and I clicked copy image URL and pasted it in the thread. I hope that helps, this is why I did terrible in computer class..

EDIT: I just tried to use the code you gave me, and when I clicked save changes, the following page read "the JPEG image has an improper file extension."
I honestly have no idea what your talking about in that post, but I can try to tell you what I did: first I went to Google Images, searched the topic I wanted, found a photo, and right clicked it (using Windows Vista). A small menu popped up and I clicked copy image URL and pasted it in the thread. I hope that helps, this is why I did terrible in computer class..

EDIT: I just tried to use the code you gave me, and when I clicked save changes, the following page read "the JPEG image has an improper file extension."

That's actually my bad, I gave you a bad URL. Try the following:


The site you're trying to get your avatar from probably doesn't allow hotlinking. You should try saving the image to your hard drive and upload it to GTPlanet. The option directly below where you paste the URL for an avatar should let you do it. Press on the button, browse to the saved location of your avatar on your computer and upload it.
Is there a certain way I should copy it? Because when I tried to copy the image and paste it in the box that came up when I clicked the second option, it wouldn't allow me to paste. Where should I go to paste it?

EDIT: I am a bit confused as to why this one ( ) did not work, shouldn't it have since it came from Flickr?
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It's called copyright violation. Flickr doesn't like violators, although even the Creative Commons stuff does this to prevent hot-linking.

This is how it's done, by the way:


(Hail button copy!)
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That isn't a direct link to the picture, Flickr does not allow for direct hotlinking (but with some computer experience you can do it).

That black and white image you linked to is larger than 20kb, which is the largest allowed limit.

I'm gonna go ahead and let someone else lend you a hand, I have to do some stuff around the house and you're really struggling with this stuff. :P

No big deal someone will be able to help you out.

In the meantime just try getting the URL I supplied to work. If you can't paste on one of the boxes then try the other one, you'll eventually manage to get it.

PROTIP: One way to know if an URL is a direct link to a picture, is to look at its last characters. If it ends in .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png it's a good URL and should work.
Yeah! That was it. I found one though however, so I think I'll keep this one for sentimental value :)
If you're having trouble, CAM, remember that you can always save the image somewhere on your hard drive and then simply upload it as a regular file. The server will try to resize it to fit the correct dimensions for you as best it can (unless the source image is extremely large).
Thanks for the advice, its always great to know there are helpful people out here :)
Alright, so I've gotten the whole avatar/profile picture thing mastered, but I have one more question. Is there a reason why all the pictures I choose are extremely low-res? I've tried all different sizes of pictures, and they all have the same size and pixelation. This may be normal, I don't know. Thanks :).
Usually, if the image is not changed to a 100 by 100 pixel maximum, the image quality will suffer if uploaded as-is.
Usually, if the image is not changed to a 100 by 100 pixel maximum, the image quality will suffer if uploaded as-is.

Is there a way to change it? All I have right now is an ImageShack account but haven't tinkered with it yet.
If you provide a link to the image, someone should be able to resize it for you.

Note: That's also (kind of) the purpose of this thread. :)
If you provide a link to the image, someone should be able to resize it for you.

Note: That's also (kind of) the purpose of this thread. :)

Thanks man, I apologize for not searching, at the time I made this thread my laptop was being repaired and the search function on my phone is crap. Thanks for the help 👍.