Please help! NA Cars cannot be identified!

  • Thread starter Cdavis
I am totally frustrated with this game right now. I saved up my money, bought a Ford GT, upgraded about 70K, then bought race tires, a freakishly good handling car. Well, of course I can't use it in the NA race because it says it is a Supercharger.

I am trying to complete the Professional Tour. I am 'trying' to get a car that is NA and powerful enough to beat the other cars. My problem is...when you go shop to buy a car, I can find nothing that lets me know if the car is a Turbo, NA, or Supercharged. How the heck can I plan, control my credits if I cannot figure out what cars to buy?

BTW, I upgraded a used Honda '90 NSX, and it is almost maxed out, but still cannot compete with the first place car. The only other thing I could do is the THIRD weight reduction for 22K, or the last engine upgrade for 75K!!! Ouch man. Or buy racing tires. See, but that is so much money, I figure I am better served to buy an upper end car, and just upgrade a little.

Anybody else had this problem?
Try wings (if you can bear the aesthetics), and definitely go for race rubber: even hard, they're worth their weight in gold. How many points for the Honda?

Edit: PS, somewhere in the options you can turn off the autosave. Unfortunately it still saves when you get into a car, so in order to try it, you definitely "own" it, but you can try out mods etc, and then "put them back on the shelf" by resetting.
bmw m3 gtr should be good enough but I forget where you win it :dunce:

Powerful NA cars that I can recall right away:
Basically all the V8s/V10s
Most US cars like Viper, Corvettes etc
Pagani Zonda
New Skyline and possibly Z

You could just get the Camaro race car (easy win, american league > stars & stripes) and win easily if you're stuck.
Duck, thanks dude, and thank you big time everybody, I was about to lose my mind on this thing.

I just realized how many more things I can do like the special event rally's. So yes, with my new souped up Ford GT, I easily won the two races, and the Cadillac with 750 HP!!! What a nice car, then easily won the NA Pro Race series. So I am back on track, just got my first Rally car.

Plus, that just great information all you guys have given me.
Fast Eddie, the Honda, was really really cheap, I bought it in the used car showroom for like < 30,000, and updgraded the crap out of it, turned it into a pretty nice race car. Just maxed it out thats all.
I found the '96 Corvette Grand sport was a bargain deal. I used it for that race, the Corvette only race, and even somehow managed to use it in the final supercar race. It wasn't even fully modded, maybe half way, but N2O helps alot.