please help

i know this is nothing to do with cars but can someone who knows how to use photoshop well do a picture for me? i drew a tattoo im getting in a few weeks n put it on my pc then took a photo of my back cause thats where im getting it. ive tried it myself but it looks rubbish and i messed around with stuff will someone please help me?. i just wanna see what it looks like. thankyou guys. sorry for writing an essay
try uploading on imageshack, get the IMG code (direct Link Preferrably), which should be the last set of available codes once the image has been uploaded.

then copy that paste it in any post here, but then slap it in between "[ IMG ]" and "[ /IMG ]" without the spaces or quotations.

so for example (again without the spaces):
[ img ][ /img ]

However though if you wanted to show a graphic to your tattoo artist it's better that a sample isnt shown but rather the actual graphi be shown to them. They can visualize the graphic on your back since they've done it many times. Ask one of them Illustrator people, F1GTR, fideles1986, under18carbon, Tangled Web and Speedster502 are those that came to my head right off the bat, sorry to those i did not mention.

Click Browse, Host it, click in the box next to Hotlink for forums (1), Ctrl + C.

Back on GTP, paste in the Quick reply box, Ctrl + V, click Post Quick Reply.

Edit: Hey, look at that tree!
You're close.


Just a friendly suggestion. The Edit button is your friend, don't be afraid to use it or the baanhammer will be getting a bit more use. :sly:
use the direct Link not the other one..

the other one is the url that has a "php" in it..... sorry for screwing you over on that.. but its the url WITHOUT "php" in it, that's how i remember :sly:

and please stop double and triple posting, and try to avoid all them Slang abbreivated Chat texts...

again, PM those i listed above so they can probably do an AI drawing for you.
i tried doing it myself and this is what i have so far if anyone can do better which im sure they can please help it will be much appreciated cheers. this is roughly where i want it positioned so you can use this as a guideline thanks again guys oh and sorry for writing in text chat my bad

change the tatto layer to either multiply or Overlay and you got yourself sometihng a bit more realistic, but seeing as how its ink on white paper, I'd desaturate it (Ctrl+Shift+U) the tattoo, then put the layer on a multiply rather than a normal layer.
i would but im busy... Got so much homework to do.

someone else can definitely do it for you...

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