Please please help - other players not moving online

  • Thread starter Halzy_D
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Hi guys,

After years of playing forza I finally got tired of being bumped and watching people cut corners so I’ve just made the move over to PlayStation. And since I’ve moved to SE Asia Xbox isn’t really a thing here anyway so it made sense.

when I start an online race, other races signal strength icon in the waiting room is blank. that’s the first indication something is wrong.

Once the race begins, the other cars don’t move. My auto drive moves 5 meters to the car in front and stops, the race big a and I’m already 15+ seconds behind the lack because I didn’t move. I continued around the track and each lap the other cars are sat on the grid but lap times are registering etc.

end of race and I place as I should do..... except I lost 15 seconds at the start.

I’m not great with networking and routers etc but I’ve put the PS4 into the routers DMZ, I can’t change the DNS as it’s set by the ISP and unchangeble (I think)
My NAT type is 2 what ever that means.

I’ve had 1 working race after approx 100 races with 2 different accounts.

I’ve just forked out for a PS4 and a brand new g29 set (with a perfectly ok Xbox set up ) which is now totally unusable.

is there anything I can do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*insert “my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined meme*
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I'm not too experienced with networking, but it seems like you're experiencing packet loss.

Also, log into your router and try to reset your settings so your NAT type is considered open rather than restricted or whatever it may be. That should solve any other issues you may have with connecting with others.
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since I’ve moved to SE Asia Xbox isn’t really a thing here anyway so it made sense.

when I start an online race, other races signal strength icon in the waiting room is blank. that’s the first indication something is wrong.
It's also a strong indication that you're in the wrong region.

Did you set up your PlayStation account with an address in SE Asia, or did you set it up with an address in wherever you moved from? If it's the latter, your console is trying to connect across half the planet and that combined with any other issues will create the kind of problems you're seeing - what nationalities are you seeing in public online races?

What does GT Sport report when you try a network connection test (Sport, Race Entry, Test Connection Quality)?

Also, log into your router and try to reset your settings so your NAT type is considered open rather than restricted or whatever it may be. That should solve any other issues you may have with connecting with others.
My NAT type is 2 what ever that means.
NAT Type 2 is Open.

Basics here are:
* Wired, not wireless
* Static IP address for at least the console (and everything else in your network by preference); make sure this is set in both router AND console
* Console IP in DMZ - you say you have already done this, though I suspect it's by device and not by IP address
* OpenDNS/GoogleDNS - you say you cannot set your DNS, but it would be good to verify this
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Hi guys,

After years of playing forza I finally got tired of being bumped and watching people cut corners so I’ve just made the move over to PlayStation. And since I’ve moved to SE Asia Xbox isn’t really a thing here anyway so it made sense.

when I start an online race, other races signal strength icon in the waiting room is blank. that’s the first indication something is wrong.

Once the race begins, the other cars don’t move. My auto drive moves 5 meters to the car in front and stops, the race big a and I’m already 15+ seconds behind the lack because I didn’t move. I continued around the track and each lap the other cars are sat on the grid but lap times are registering etc.

end of race and I place as I should do..... except I lost 15 seconds at the start.

I’m not great with networking and routers etc but I’ve put the PS4 into the routers DMZ, I can’t change the DNS as it’s set by the ISP and unchangeble (I think)
My NAT type is 2 what ever that means.

I’ve had 1 working race after approx 100 races with 2 different accounts.

I’ve just forked out for a PS4 and a brand new g29 set (with a perfectly ok Xbox set up ) which is now totally unusable.

is there anything I can do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*insert “my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined meme*
You didn’t say if you are using WiFi if you are . Buy a CAT 5e cable and hard wire your router to your PS4. Before you make to any changes. You might want change your cabe connection from your ONT box out side of your house to your router.
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