Please Pray for our 7/7 bomb victims

  • Thread starter Danny


Code Red
United Kingdom
Are you kidding?
On the Anniversary of the terrible July 7th bombings, I ask you all to spare a thought and a prayer for the victims and their families.

Maybe one day the world will be at peace. I pray for that day to come soon, however unlikely it seems.

I agree. We must never forget the victims of that fatefull day.

I was one of a few that observed the 2-minutes silence in work today at noon, everyone else carried on as if it didn't matter. What really angered me though was the the fact that I had approached my Department Manager about 30 minutes before middday, and asked that we observe the 2-minutes silence, but he fobbed me off with excuses. Yet two weeks earlier the factory came to a stand still for the England games. People need to get their prioritys straight.
And the sick bastards behind it released a video of one of the bombers yesterday.
So, Khan and Tanweer have links to alCIAda? And MI5?

A noted terror expert has told the BBC that Mohammed Siddique Khan, the alleged ringleader of the 7/7 London bombings, was working for British intelligence agency MI5 as an informant at the time of the attacks.

Charles Shoebridge is a 12-year veteran detective of the London Metropolitan Police, a former graduate of the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and now a broadcaster and writer on terrorism in the UK...


"What you have witnessed now is only the beginning of a series of attacks that will continue and pick up strengths till you pull your soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq and stop your financial and military aid to America and Israel," said Shehzad Tanweer...

This can be translated as:

The security services will try to keep you scared, so you will support the military, and its friends in Israel.

The video and some other comments. 2 minute silence on nearly all sky tv channels
As an American, I obviously can relate to some extent. Although I was sleeping today at your noon-time (7AM here), my toughts were with you guys most of the day today. What happened in London was just as bad as our New York attack, no matter how you look at it. I can honestly remember waking up that morning hearing the news and being stunned that it happened in your country.

If anything, these are events that bring not only your countrymen together, but also brings seperate nations together as well. Terrorism on behalf of the Islamic Radicals simply cannot be tolerated, and I for one am greatful that the UK has fought alongside us from the begining. But irrational justification for these attacks are part of the process, and they will use nearly any kind of justification to make their case for violence seem valid.

I will indeed be praying for those of you tonight as I go to bed, as my prayers will also go out to those serving in Iraq, and to our leaders who must deal with North Korea as well. These are very strange and dark times we are living in, and I am glad to be able to call uppon the people of England and the rest of the UK as friends and Allies in this new era of warfare.
It's been a year already.... I'm with ultrabeat. I hope terrorism will stop someday. I just can't stand these disillusioned murderers killing innocent civilians..... I mean, they are killing somebody's dad, mom, brother, sister or their kids, etc. They are taking their fight to the wrong fXXXing people.
I was at the Goodwood Festival of Speed yesterday, and there was an announcement at 12pm to have a 2 minutes' silence. Hardly anyone stopped! Of course I did along with my parents and friend, but there wasn't an announcement again to say when the 2 minutes were over. People should have payed more respect...

I agree though, I hope terrorism stops one day, but I don't think we will be seeing that for a LONG time yet.
the thing that pisses me off about the atatcks is that we give them houses and money etc, and then they turn around and atatck us. if they dont like the country they should leave.
I think we need a hard liner to make our border security tighter ala USA stylee and be ultra tuff on criminals and anyone that preaches terror against our nation. I also belive that we shoudl extradite people who are wanted in other countries, regardless if they gonan get the death sentence.
****en terrorist areses. They all deserver to die in the most painful way.

I couldn't ummmm pray for 2minutes, I was working =/