Looking for a club. I'm a newbie but I'm looking for a clean race. I don't care if I finish last I'll avoid shunts etc. If by chance I bump someone I'll let them pass me.
How do you join a club? Is there a pdf manual for this game?
Unrelated- but the official forza 4 forum sucks. Half the time you click on anything it doesn't work. Sometimes I can't even get on the site. Today was my 1st day on live and that hardly works either. I try to race online and I just sit there waiting to join a lobby. Hopefully it will be faster once I join a club?
How do you join a club? Is there a pdf manual for this game?
Unrelated- but the official forza 4 forum sucks. Half the time you click on anything it doesn't work. Sometimes I can't even get on the site. Today was my 1st day on live and that hardly works either. I try to race online and I just sit there waiting to join a lobby. Hopefully it will be faster once I join a club?