The majority of the submissions are really amazing, some with excellent quality of work, some with outstanding ideas.
I personally liked 5 of these photos here.
Firstly, the Yellow R8 with the jets in the skies, outstanding idea, i wouldn't have thought of that. 👍
Next, the R8 driving "in the night?". I also love this one simply because of the strong lighting on a dark background. a piece that shows off
Chiaroscuro, some european language for "extreme contrasts between light and dark", and I'm almost always taken by these kinds of work. 👍
Minolta blazing down the straight, Very high-res car, its bright white really stands out from the picture, creating a very well made focal point. What kept this from being my number 1 top choice would be the blur effect created. It seems that everyone does this same effect, i don't know if its the game or photoshop created, but whatever it is, IMO it's becoming unoriginal and mildly dull. I apologize if that was a bit harsh on you, TW,
but definitely its an honourable mention in this comp. 👍
Esperante (sp.?) GT1, driving by after a long strip of bends. Pretty cool idea if you ask me. It doesn't show the greatest speed, but the camera was relatively low to the ground so that creates umm some aerial perspective, maknig the road behind it look very far away. 👍
Number 1 choice, Atlop's Black n White (B&W) R92CP Blazin' down the straight. Yes i've seen other works in previous comps that looked like this, but this one is damn high res. a very strong sense of speed. I like the R92CP personally, looks and engine sound. However though, I can't blame you but i'll blame that tree blocking the rest of the road, it covers up the other half of the road, to simplify this, the photo would looked better if that tree wasn't there
. Nevertheless, you got my vote :tup:x 5