Point and Shoot Lense adapter kit ordered / Lense Filter Questions inside

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51


United States
United States
I have a Nikon L100 point and shoot camera. Would love to have a DSLR some day, but just don't have the cash at the moment. I found a group of people on flickr that own the same camera, and they have posts for tips/tricks to get better quality shots from that camera. I was actually looking for tips on taking night shots, which I found, but then I noticed a topic asking about a fisheye lense.

Someone responded to the OP about searching google for lense adapter kits. So, I did that and to my surprise they sell one for my camera. Does anyone have experience in using these? I might purchase one very soon depending on reviews, but I think it would be awesome to have some UV filters and a fisheye lense! :dopey:

Here's one on eBay for $20:


If you do happen to buy it, don't get that particular one as this one is cheaper ($17.33 vs. $20.19).

That said, I don't think you'll be happy with the quality of the pictures with an adapter. You're trying to do something with the camera that the Nikon didn't intend. With some products that works out well (tomato on a Linksys router, for example). I'm almost certain this won't be one of those cases. Compound in trying to attach a lens potentially worth more than your camera and you'd be better off with an entry level DSLR instead.

Save your money for the DSLR.
Not looking to attach lenses actually, maybe that came out wrong. Just filters is what I am looking for. Honestly for $20 plus the cost of one filter, I might just try it.
I have a UV filter for my 50mm and don't even use it. Now a Polarizing and/or Neutral Density filter, those might be worth a go.

Note, also, that the adapter is 67mm so if you're planning on using the same batch of filters you buy for the future DSLR, you likely won't be able to as most non-professional lenses are in the 52 and 58mm range.
Judging by my experience with the L100, it could use that polarizing filter. Thanks for the help, I'm going to make the purchase now and will take a look at my options for filters tonight. 👍
Keep in mind that you'll have to buy good quality filters in order to achieve an increase in quality. That'll cost you quite a dollar as well. :)

I'd suggest using Hoya, B&W or original Nikon filters.
I'd trade that camera in for an entry level DSLR personally. There's just so many more options down the line.
I'd trade that camera in for an entry level DSLR personally. There's just so many more options down the line.

Actually...no. Why should he do that when he's happy with his current camera? I prefer people who know how to operate a point and shoot camera to people with 5D Mark II bodies who don't know that there's something beside full auto. :)
It's not a bad camera. It has it's negatives, but hopefully these filters can fix them. Almost all of my extra money right now is going towards getting a car, so as bad as I want a DSLR right now, it's not going to happen for a while.

I actually took this shot a couple nights ago:

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That's actually pretty good. A DSLR may've made it a bit more crisp but well, the result is still great! :D
Found out the best way to take pictures at night with my camera is to use the dusk/dawn mode that has a 2 second exposure time. Forces you to use a tripod but most of them come out OK.
Between 1 and 3 seconds is always best when it's really dark, so a tripod would be necessary with a DSLR as well.

Well, except if you'd use a 1.4 or 1.8 lens...it could work handheld with that. :D
Actually...no. Why should he do that when he's happy with his current camera? I prefer people who know how to operate a point and shoot camera to people with 5D Mark II bodies who don't know that there's something beside full auto. :)

Yeah, those guys are really annoying. :lol:

Latest image looks great! 👍
Small update on this. I'm still waiting for my adapter, I guess the last one got lost in the mail so I contacted the company yesterday and they are sending a replacement free of charge.

I did have a question though. What would be the best filter to use for taking pictures of storm clouds?