Pole position to last position...

  • Thread starter R Guilbert
Has anyone had this problem:
After qualifying and getting pole position, I start the race and I find myself in last position! This problem arises by finishing earlier the qualifying session or by letting go to the end, same thing. The ATH indicating however P1. I tried several times to restart the race and sometimes I find my place in pole position but this is not always the case. Thank you for your opinion
Has anyone had this problem:
After qualifying and getting pole position, I start the race and I find myself in last position! This problem arises by finishing earlier the qualifying session or by letting go to the end, same thing. The ATH indicating however P1. I tried several times to restart the race and sometimes I find my place in pole position but this is not always the case. Thank you for your opinion
Yep i've had it. Ran the whole race without noticing and had a good few blue flags telling me to let 2nd place through which i couldnt understand at the time. I dont think the game was ready for release needed another 6-12 month dev time imo.
Yep i've had it. Ran the whole race without noticing and had a good few blue flags telling me to let 2nd place through which i couldnt understand at the time. I dont think the game was ready for release needed another 6-12 month dev time imo.
It's small bugs. It would be a waste of time having another 6-12 months.
Has anyone had this problem:
After qualifying and getting pole position, I start the race and I find myself in last position! This problem arises by finishing earlier the qualifying session or by letting go to the end, same thing. The ATH indicating however P1. I tried several times to restart the race and sometimes I find my place in pole position but this is not always the case. Thank you for your opinion
Avoid "skip to the end of session" for qualifying, Crazy lap times after that...
Avoid "skip to the end of session" for qualifying, Crazy lap times after that...

Yup. Only time you should really "skip to end of session" is during Practice session. In which instance you should pause the session, select "Return to Pitbox", then select "Skip to end of session" (Practice). That should then offer you to proceed to the next round "Qualifying" if you want to proceed then or you can proceed to so do next time.

In the logical sequence of things remember during Qualifying race until the race is completed the final outcome of the race couldn't be determined without first all competitors completing the race. So by stopping or skipping the Qualifying part perhaps the game penalizes you somewhat for not completing. That's my analysis.
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There would still be no benefit for SMS delaying the game. Stop this garbage talk about that.

Jake mate he's got a point a'd wouodn't have dwelled on it any further if you'd not have white knighted it.
I love the game and will keep playing. But thz visual damage not beeing repaired is at best to be called a bug due to lazyness at worst just blatently don't caring or no propper testing. It might seem minor but it isn't make a huge mistake or get tzken out in qually and your race might be over online as you have the hood in you view.

The dreadfull slow load times on ps4....

The general menus on consoles getting a lot of good reviews... They must be using diffrent menus... Save over existing setup... Which is the existing setup? Bad contrast... Very inconsistent, for some ok buttons one has to press X for other ok buttons you have to navigate towards the button before pressing X...

Online gameplay: the guy that wrote the netcode must be the same guy as the guy from bf it's unstable as F which wouldn't be a problem if they didn't have an elo-system.

The game on console is what it is a diamond in the rough. Something very rough... And sms knows it.
Those are a few very serious issues.
So now let's not deny that and have some fun awaiting the patches. ;)

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