[POLL] PlayStation 5 or Digital Edition

  • Thread starter Lukanyon

Which one are you going to buy?

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São Paulo
I'm getting the Digital Edition because it's more symmetrical (lol) and I don't care about discs anymore. What do you guys think?
All my games on PS4 are downloads. The only disc I had was DRIVECLUB & I sold that replacing it with a download version when it was on sale very cheap. I much prefer the idea of only downloading games & the look plus cheaper price of a non disc console. However, there's also a part of me that feels I want a disc drive in a console or PC. Seeing as I have no plans to buy a PS5, I guess it doesn't matter to much at the moment.
Disc version for me since half of my PS4 games are physical and half are digital.

I only buy digital games if there's no physical option.
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Probably the digital one since it'll live behind my PC monitor and I want something as small as possible. I only plan on getting GT7 and MLB The Show every couple of years so it's not like I'll have a huge catalog of games.
You'd rather have both options than be pigeonholed into digital only, right?
Disc version for me!
Yeah disc version for me too!

Given I don't have a regular blue-ray player it will be essential for me to have the disc so I can watch my films/anime collection and so forth.

Plus sometimes I buy things spur of the moment if I see them in a shop so I prefer having both options though with all the CO-VID restrictions of late I suspect the majority of my purchases will be done through the PS5 store.
I really hate the way the world is going right now where basically everything is now a “pay for the right to access this intangible thing” and it gets taken away from you the second it gets pulled from a marketplace or your subscription ends.

I’m going regular PS5 because of that. I’ll cling to my physical clutter for as long as I can before it gets phased out and personal possessions no longer exist.