POLL: PlayStation Move vs. Xbox 360 Kinect vs. Nintendo Wii

Which of the following do you like best for "Motion-Controlled Gaming"?

  • Total voters
United States
New York, U.S.A
PlayStation Move

Xbox 360 Kinect


1. Do you own any of them?
2. If you answered "yes" to question #1, which one do you own and why did you purchase it over the others?
3. If you answered "no" to question #1, If you were to purchase one, which one would you purchase, and why?
4. If you answered "I have all three of them, 'cause I think I'm super cool like that" :lol: to question #1, was it really necessary to buy all three?

Thanks in advance, for voting.
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I have a Wii and it hashad it's moments.I am Interested in a PS Move though.Kinect looks alot of fun (yes it isn't something for the hardcore whatever) and If I had a X-BOX I would also be Interested in one works well when having friends over .
I have a Wii and the PlayStation Move. Overall I like the Move better because it is much more accurate, and I am interested in the titles that are coming out and some that have already come out. I also like the fact that the PS Eye can be used for other games without "full" Move support, such as headtracking with GT5. Killzone 3 with the Move is actually a more enjoyable experience than it is with a controller nin my opinion, and that is something I never thought I'd say about an FPS with a motion controller.

I've enjoyed my Wii to an extent, only because I am a Harvest Moon fanatic and the Wii releases have actually been very good. Motion controls work well with the simple yet intuitive Harvest Moon gameplay, but other than that series (and the Metroid Prime trilogy) my Wii hasn't seen much use. I have more Virtual Console games than I do actual Wii games.

A few of my buddies have the Kinect and I'm not a fan. None of the games interest me, and it didn't seem to accurate. I could see how it would be fun with a few drunk buddies, but I don't see myself ever purchasing a Kinect, especially considering it's price tag.

I have a PS3 and a move/nav controller. I only bought it 'cause I stumbled into a bargain for both of them and I bought the PS Eye waaaay back, before MOVE was even on the horizon. I said, eh, what the heck.

Having said that, I'd be lying if I wasn't rather surprised by its precision tracking but I must've used them once or twice. I still think motion gaming will not reach it's strong point until the next gen, maybe even the next one.
I have Move and owned a Wii for about 2 years before I sold it, and have about 3 hours play time on Kinect. I voted for Move. Kinect was fun for an hour or so then I could see how inacurate it was with the games I played and became pretty bored/disinterested. With Wii I only enjoyed playing Wii sports but I don't think I gave it much of a chance. I like Move a lot, and have played SOCOM, Sports Champions, and Killzone 3 with it along with demos such as Tumble. It has it positives(accuracy and sharpshooter) and negatives(can lose calibration easily) but more positives I think.

The game that convinced me to get Move was Sorcery. I think it shows the full potential of what motion controls can be. I really hope it turns out as good as it looked at E3 because it has a lot of potential.
I have played all three, the Kinect has the best features and tracking. The Move is close to as good, while bringing even more innovative features like the KillZone gun. The Wii is fun for kids, but not in the same league as the PS and MS systems.

The Kinect will seriously work out your body compared to the Wii, which you only have to move your hands with. I can tell by the polling I am so far the only one that has voted for the kinect, I'm sure others will follow, but this is a GT forum so who knows.
I'm fortunate enough to own all 3 motion systems. Move is impressive as it is much more accurate at tracking your movements than the Wii. However I have to say I enjoy the Kinect the most. No holding of a controller or tracking device is very nice. It also is a VERY active gaming experience. Don't mind watching my GF shake her booty to the dance games either. It even takes pictures of her in the booty shaking process, LOL...
I own all 3 and the Wii is good but would have been better in 1080p, Kinect is messed up because if you touch Kinect your motion tracking is all over the place. Playstation move is legendary, everything's spot on but my only criticism is lack of online gaming for the current games :)
I had the Wii a few years ago but i didn't like it because the game library on it wasn't that great although i had my moments with it (No More Heroes :)). TBH, i think motion controls are just a gimmick and i think the regular controller is the way to go for most games.
PS Move could represent almost every main instrument from the game such as guns in FPS games, swords in fighting games, etc.

Wii is as much fun as PS Move, but with worse game library than PS3.
(This console is dedicated to teenagers anyway)

Xbox Kinect make the users look like crazy, playing game without holding any input devices, pushes players to do move that could trigger injuries to other, such as kicking, and it's doesn't accurate as the other two motion controllers.

So I voted for PS Move
I don't own any of these gimmicks and don't plan on owning any of them either.:)

Where's the "I don't want any/I don't know because I haven't tried any of them/they are all rubbish" option in the poll.:sly:
Well I have Kinect and Wii.

The Kinect is a great workout. I don't care how it makes me look while playing. Nobody else can see me. lol.

No move for me, I already own a Wii. Granted Sony just improved on Nintendos technology, its what the the Wii should've been IMO.
Kinect has the largest potential out of the 3. It's just a shame that the 360 doesn't use it properly.

I have Playstation Move, it came with my PS3 for free. It not bad at all but it doesn't really last long, might be better if I had more games for it. It's the same story with the Wii.
Played all of them, I personally prefer ps move, kinect took a long time to set up for people new to it.
This is a future warning about baiting a flamewar. Be respectful and play nice.
My brother got the kinect because his wife wanted to try dance central. So far, they haven't touched it.