Poll: Would you mind waiting a few more months for GT5 to polish up?

  • Thread starter chepe371

Would you mind waiting a few more months to see GT5 Highly polished?

  • Yes, i would wait for that.

    Votes: 48 41.0%
  • No, I've waited long enough.

    Votes: 44 37.6%
  • I Don't care, whatever happens, happens.

    Votes: 25 21.4%

  • Total voters
So just like the title says, Would you be willing to wait a few more months to see GT5 highly polished, or would you take it as is without the extra wait?
As I see it now, and at the rate that PD has been working, it may take them another few years to get it where I want it... but wouldnt mind waiting until early 2010.
What is "ironing out the details"?

I dont get your question, you can "polish" a game in 10000 different ways and this contains graphics, physics, bugs, sounds, menus, controls etc.
No, waiting for things like damage modeling to the remaining cars, appears won't
happen, Fixing non visual things such as car physics could happen through updates..

I think we will have several specs.
So just like the title says, Would you be willing to wait a few more months to see GT5 highly polished, or would you take it as is without the extra wait?

We don't even know how well the game is polished and made.. why create a poll? pointless bit?
I am not going to wait until March or April to play this game. Enough is enough already. 5 years? Come on!
By polish I'll assume you mean damage on all cars.

Then no, I only wanted damage on race cars anyway. if all 1000 cars have cockpit view, with Bugatti, Ferrari and Lamborghini included then thats more than enough for me.

Until we saw the Impreza Rally car damaged a couple of months ago, no one even knew damage would be in GT5. Furthermore PD has never implied damage would feature on road cars, with Kaz specifically stating race cars only.

The people who are dissapointed about not getting something that was NEVER promised are just being ungrateful and disrespectful to Kaz and his team.
Since I suppose the thread is motivated by the judgement that GT5 as it is now is fully represented by the demo on Gamescom, I think the question in itself is invalid.
I am not going to wait until March or April to play this game. Enough is enough already. 5 years? Come on!

Oh, so if it comes out in May you won't buy it?
I'll buy that :lol:

Back on topic, though - I seriously don't see a point for this topic, as we have no idea on how much "polishing" needs to be done, or for how long has the game been in this last stage of development already. Maybe they've been "polishing" since late June, there's absolutely no way of us knowing this.

If there was a glaring bug that was going to seriously disrupt gameplay, then yes, I would definitely wait a bit longer, but if it was something really small (let's say reverse lights, some shadows, etc.) that could be fixed via an update and didn't really mess up the basic gameplay, I would probably want the game to be released and the bugs addressed afterward.

The one thing I won't do, however, is whine about the game not coming out for so long. Yes, it's been 5 years, so? There's nothing we can do, and it's not like PD are slowing things down just to annoy us. Let's just give them some support for actually making the game, and stop whining for a few seconds :)
Enough of waiting, just release the game. Bug fixes can be added through PSN

So you wouldn't come here whining if the game crashes after the first race due to an unfixed bug? :)
As I said, PD is not holding back on the release date just to annoy everyone, there is definitely a reason for it, and a fairly obvious one - they are afraid there might be a slight delay, and that would most probably cause these forums to crash because of everyone's willingness to whine about everything PD has or even hasn't (damage for road cars, anyone?) promised, yet someone took for granted.
So you wouldn't come here whining if the game crashes after the first race due to an unfixed bug? :)
As I said, PD is not holding back on the release date just to annoy everyone, there is definitely a reason for it, and a fairly obvious one - they are afraid there might be a slight delay, and that would most probably cause these forums to crash because of everyone's willingness to whine about everything PD has or even hasn't (damage for road cars, anyone?) promised, yet someone took for granted.

Ummm, no.
GT2 and GT3 scared PD, so they aren't going to rush this one out the door and make the same mistake again. I say polish it as long as you have to. I've waited five years, it won't kill me to wait a bit longer.
I dont buy many games (this year my game buying stands at one game so far), in that case (Empire Total War on the PC), they rushed the game to get it out, missed their first release date causing another months delay, and then basicly bowed down to the community (and I suspect the publisher's) demands to get the game out.

What resulted is a game which even now many months later is still buggy as hell, and after v1.3 is still missing features that were promised at launch.

In my mind GT5 is going to be the only other game I buy this year, rather than go through that rubbish again I would much rather have to wait an extra couple of months and have PD get the thing running as good as possible before it hits the shelves. patches should be adding content, like new cars or tracks, not sorting out basic gameplay issues that should have been there from the beginning.
It's hard to say since they haven't given a release date it's kind of hard to say whether or not I would be ok with waiting.
I waant GT5 spec 1 as soon as possible. Then I'm willing to wait for the improvements and upgrades in Spec II and the suceeding Spec(s).
Give it to me now. Patch things later. Think of it as a large Beta and all of us are the testers.

Exactly my thoughts, release it, then they can see what we really think needs improving and do it. I am not sure how much you can alter a game through patches or is it just like normal building where you can do what you want.
Release it this Holiday Season! Three more months is plenty of time! I think Sony is the one, holding up the release date not PD!!

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