So just like the title says, Would you be willing to wait a few more months to see GT5 highly polished, or would you take it as is without the extra wait?
I am not going to wait until March or April to play this game. Enough is enough already. 5 years? Come on!
Enough of waiting, just release the game. Bug fixes can be added through PSN
So you wouldn't come here whining if the game crashes after the first race due to an unfixed bug?
As I said, PD is not holding back on the release date just to annoy everyone, there is definitely a reason for it, and a fairly obvious one - they are afraid there might be a slight delay, and that would most probably cause these forums to crash because of everyone's willingness to whine about everything PD has or even hasn't (damage for road cars, anyone?) promised, yet someone took for granted.
Give it to me now. Patch things later. Think of it as a large Beta and all of us are the testers.