Hi there...I am making an attempt at some photos here. If there was a way to rate these, that would be good. But feedback and criticism are accepted. With that, here are some of my first attempts at GT5 photography.
I don't know why it pixellated at the top, it sort of screwed up this shot
I still don't yet know how to take the picture to show the blur of the spinning wheels. That is something I need a little help with. Other than that, let me know what you think. Rate them plz, on a scale of 1-10.
I don't know why it pixellated at the top, it sort of screwed up this shot
I still don't yet know how to take the picture to show the blur of the spinning wheels. That is something I need a little help with. Other than that, let me know what you think. Rate them plz, on a scale of 1-10.