Polygamy: time for it to be recognized?

  • Thread starter A2K78
United States
yeah I know this might sound controversial, but anyhow do you feel that polygamy ought be given official recognition.

Anyhow I'm all for the recognition of polygamy especially of religious reasons. Aside from that government(s) shouldn't be in the business of legalizing or banning conscentual relationships may they be gay, straight, polyamous, etc. the point is government shouldn't be in the marriage business period as governent interference is the main underming factor of the institution as marriage is not creation of the state and its for this why I believe gays and polygamist damand the goverment get out of the marriage business.
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I just don't know why anyone cares about anyone else's marriage. Don't like polygamy? Don't be a polygamist. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married.

It amazes me that generally the same people (Excluding libertarians) who don't want the government involved in their health care, and want to "get government out of our lives", still want the government to validate their marriage and denounce others.
Well I do find it odd that if man loves two women equally, and the women are also equally and genuinely comfortable, they cannot marry. And vice versa of course. If they want to have a ceremony to confirm their equal love for each other, then it's up to them.

Yet only monogomous marriages are permitted, and the divorce rate is increasing year on year. But somehow polygamy ruins the sanctity of marriage? Hmm.
I just don't know why anyone cares about anyone else's marriage. Don't like polygamy? Don't be a polygamist. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married.

This is my thought exactly hence why governments should get out. When governments get out, it become a non-issue. Its just not marriage, but a whole range of social issues.

It amazes me that generally the same people (Excluding libertarians) who don't want the government involved in their health care, and want to "get government out of our lives", still want the government to validate their marriage and denounce others.

And its for this reason why both the left and right are hypocrites. In the end the end when getting votes matter, you can bet both will persit in their hypocracy.
Islam allows for polygamy, but under the pretense that the husband can actually provide for each wife equally with no favoritism. It was used widely back then when wars left many families without support. Unfortunately oil wealth happened to abuse it quite joyously. Other than that, its discouraged since no average man can do it.

I mean being married to one woman is a juggling act. Imagine adding another four.
Get a bunch of women in your house, and just don't get married. Simple.
Exactly, because women can be herded, right?

Not all possible cases are forced. Read my second post again.

Well I do find it odd that if man loves two women equally, and the women are also equally and genuinely comfortable, they cannot marry.

And let's not be narrow minded and sexist about this;

And vice versa of course.

A woman could be in a committed relationship with several men, with all parties completely and wholly at ease with the situation just as much as a man could be with several women.
yeah I know this might sound controversial, but anyhow do you feel that polygamy ought be given official recognition.

Anyhow I'm all for the recognition of polygamy especially of religious reasons. Aside from that government(s) shouldn't be in the business of legalizing or banning conscentual relationships may they be gay, straight, polyamous, etc. the point is government shouldn't be in the marriage business period as governent interference is the main underming factor of the institution as marriage is not creation of the state and its for this why I believe gays and polygamist damand the goverment get out of the marriage business.

As long as they are all consenting adults then go for it. One husband, multiple wives. One wife, multiple husbands. As long as they are adults that are happy and agree to be there.

As for the Government, you need to pay a fee for everything. I like to fish. I need a license to catch a fish. I need a license to use a boat to fish. I need a license for my dog that wants to come too. I need a license to tow my boat with a car. My boat needs registration. My trailer needs registration. My car needs registration. The road I use has a toll. The fuel I use has an excise tax. The food I eat has a Goods and Services Tax. $$$$$ & more $ :(
Always remember to state the preferred gender of your companions though.

You could be in for a nasty surprise.
I just don't know why anyone cares about anyone else's marriage. Don't like polygamy? Don't be a polygamist. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married.

It amazes me that generally the same people (Excluding libertarians) who don't want the government involved in their health care, and want to "get government out of our lives", still want the government to validate their marriage and denounce others.

Hypocrisy is rampant, freedom is not, I'm afraid (despite George W. Bush's claims to the contrary).
So if a man has two wives. And one of his wives wants a divorce. Does she get half of his belongings? What about the other wifes belongings?

It's really **** that like that stops Western governments from allowing it, rather than a heavy moral objection.
Do you get double tax breaks for being doubly-married?

I'm against polygamy.

Communal marriage is the only non-exclusive marriage that's actually fair. :D

If you want the women to share, you also gotta share the women, bro.
I'm for the recognition of polygamy(one husband and some wives, or in reverse) if that's permitted in our state we reside in, or mandatory for religious rules, or there are other reasons behind the wedding act.

However, getting married with several people who are going to be the future partner throughout their lives must involve a greater risk of getting divorced for inequality of investment of their love to the wives. The husband(or wife) has to allocate time for meeting each of their romantic partners cutting off his spared time and forcing him to rethink of his daily schedule just to see them all. Getting together with each of the wives per day is not feasible, but it can make one of the wives unhappy not to be able to always be beside him every day if she is impatient about the matter. :rolleyes:
You can always start a «Firm» with multiple partners wich will basicly safeguard your wifes/husbands in regard to legal and financial issues...
Its a non issue to me - to each is own/owns :D
It won't happen in western civilization as our governments are christian/catholic or whatever other religions Jesus rules over. Polygamy is frowned upon under their rules just the same way as gay marriage is. Yes their are states/countries loosening their grip on gay marriage but I highly doubt they will legally recognize polygamy.

If your into that kind of stuff, just get your required amount of women/men in the one house and forget the marriage part. Considering 1 woman can take you to the cleaners with a divorce, I don't want to find out how bad 5 women can empty your house and wallet lol
Who the hell would want more than one wife? "hmmmm... Sometimes I feel like I don't get nagged enough, I know, I'll get another wife, I'll be nagged non-stop that way"
We already have polygamy. It's called being single.

^That sooo much (scouser, Omnis put his post between, put is also true!).

And then there is the fact that if you truly in love with an other person, you won't need and want a second or multiple wives. Every single time I heard a polygamist speak, I had the feeling that his wifes are more belongings to him (objects), rather than real, sincere relationships on equal rights. Or do this wifes have the right to have multiple male partners? NO!

Killer tiller: Polygamy is part of some christian perverted believes (Salt Lake City as exemple aka Mormons or morons).

To those saying the goverment should keep out of marriage business:
Who other will regulate it?
The church? Don't know if that would be an improvement.
Marriage from a gov. POV is more a legal agreement on belongings than a ceremony for eternity.
And that is a good thing. Less fighting afterward.
Want to have multiple relationships, try it without marriage! It's way harder than it looks! And todays woman aren't too fond of the idea of you ****ing an other chick behind her back (or the others back, pun intented)

And what religious belief will justify polygamy?
I just don't get it? It's the same hillbillies that believe God or Jesus will save them, that they need to declare war on gays, muslims, otherbelievers.... That they will have more rights in "heaven" than others, that they are granted 27 virgins (maybe virgin long drinks, oohh the horror! ),....

I have seen lately a documentary about a sect in the US, very tiny community, where the leader believed he was the reincarnation of Jesus. They guy slept with underaged girls, because God wanted so, they could get the "illumination" like that. He already had two wifes, then he steals the third wife of his own son. The son was devasted to say at least (at the end of the doc. he looked really unhappy and sick), and the three woamn didn't look happy either. When they were talking, they always had an eye on the leader in fear of saying something wrong. They believed that they would be saved quickly (the armageddon would happen during the documentary). And all kind of hoped for it, but only to be released of the tyranny of the leader. It's so heart breaking for me to see people brainwashed liked that (especially the kids) and really believing into it soo hard, that their whole life will be a huge mess and a burden for modern society.

If you are a collector, collect post stamps, not wifes.
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From the government perspective, marriage is/should be a contract between consenting individuals establishing property rights, guardianship rights, next of kin, etc. There is absolutely no reason that such a contract should be limited in the number of parties or genders. When you think about it, that's really all marriage is (from a legal point of view).

So any discussion of gay marriage or polygamy is fairly moot - there's no reason in the world you shouldn't be able to enter into a contract of shared property with any other people you want to.

The best argument I have ever seen against polygamy is that in the middle east it leaves a lot of disgruntled single dudes who can't find wives and turn to violence. That coupled with promising them wives in the next life leads easily to a suicide terrorist.
No real opinion on it, though I think it would make some marriages more stressful :P

But can someone fix the thread title, my OCD just twitches every time I see it...
No real opinion on it, though I think it would make some marriages more stressful :P


I never thought I'd see the day... :P
*ibo* S3 Racer
To those saying the goverment should keep out of marriage business:
Who other will regulate it?
The church? Don't know if that would be an improvement.
Marriage from a gov. POV is more a legal agreement on belongings than a ceremony for eternity.
And that is a good thing. Less fighting afterward.
Want to have multiple relationships, try it without marriage! It's way harder than it looks! And todays woman aren't too fond of the idea of you ****ing an other chick behind her back (or the others back, pun intented)

You make a good point about ought to take up the issue of marriage if government were to get out. How about both the church and private contract? The point is the government have no say over what kind of consent relationships individuals persue.

*ibo* S3 Racer
And what religious belief will justify polygamy?

In islam polygam permitted/tolerated, though its not practiced widely as most might think, the exception being Saudi Arabia and UAE where polygamy is encouraged by the leadership.
The government would have to make up a system of taxation for polygamals, and it's already a pain in the butt as it is.
Plus, there's always those who will find a way to abuse the system heh. I'm sure that minds will be blown at some point.
Why anyone would actually want more than one wife (or husband) is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, i totally love my wife - we have a great relationship and she is my best friend, but two's company, three's a crowd. I just can't think of any logical reason why two wives are better than one. :odd:

I'm down for some polygamy.

A threesome is not polygamy. ;)