B bjosch 3 Jul 27, 2001 #1 Done the Endurace Super Speedway, but instead of an F car i got a Polygon 0001, which looks like a formula 1 car, this is the UK version of the game. Are there no F cars in the Uk verson ?
Done the Endurace Super Speedway, but instead of an F car i got a Polygon 0001, which looks like a formula 1 car, this is the UK version of the game. Are there no F cars in the Uk verson ?
Josh Silent Army Staff Emeritus 15,564 South Carolina Jul 27, 2001 #2 I don't know stuff about the UK version, but on the endurance Super SpeedWay...don't you get the option of winning one of four cars?
I don't know stuff about the UK version, but on the endurance Super SpeedWay...don't you get the option of winning one of four cars?
H hiberman 41 Jul 31, 2001 #3 The Polyphony xxxx cars are the Japanese/Euro equivalent of the Fxxx cars in the US version.
R robisme 544 West Yorkshire, stibbz xStibz Jul 31, 2001 #4 Hi, This is a bit of a unkown subject to us guys on Pal, right now, we are finding the F1s are Polyphony001 or Polyphony002. As we win more of them we are compairing spec's to see which is which. Yes they changed the name's of the F1s on Pal.
Hi, This is a bit of a unkown subject to us guys on Pal, right now, we are finding the F1s are Polyphony001 or Polyphony002. As we win more of them we are compairing spec's to see which is which. Yes they changed the name's of the F1s on Pal.