Porsche wins popularity contest.

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Fourth time in a row: Porsche wins gold medal for image

When asked which company in Germany has the best reputation, around 2,500 representative managers were in agreement once again: For the fourth time in a row, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, has been voted No. 1 out of all sectors.

Every other year, "manager magazine" publishes the renowned study "Imageprofile" together with the Bielefeld opinion poll institute Emnid. Eight criteria are rated, including management quality, innovation, communications, attractiveness as an employer, employee orientation, price/benefit ratio, financial power and growth dynamics.

This year, in what is now the thirteenth image review, the German automobile industry again defended its places on the winners' podium. Since the last survey, however, Porsche AG has further extended its lead: In the overall ranking – 177 companies from 16 sectors – the sports car manufacturer scored 910 out of a possible 1,000 points, placing itself ahead of BMW (872 points) and Audi (841 points). Coming in at places four to ten were adidas, Puma, Google, Coca Cola, SAP, Toyota and Bosch.

Audi's catching BMW:sly:
Audi's catching BMW:sly:

And in less than 3 years they will pass them. Audi's moving up--they have some fantastic designs where BMW's slipped a bit in my opinion.
BMW hit a design peak in the 90s and did not know where to go.

Audi only began showing signs of inspiried desing in the late 90s, so they have some time to go before they hit the ceiling.

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