Post your Panoramas! *DSL warning* *super-wide pics*

  • Thread starter Event


GTP_event / kevinr6287 (farming account)

Failed Attempt... that's what I get for shooting at a wide angle without a tripod

forgive the image quality... I had to compress these a whole bunch to get them less than 1mb for imgur/tinypic. PM me if you want the full pics... they're upwards of 30mb

I PM'd GilesGuthrie to see if this thread can continue without hyperlinking... no one likes hyperlinked images. everyone likes super-wide images
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another one from the top of the rock. cliche, I know

I really like it but you need to work it in Photoshop. The contrast isn't there and the flat grey tone is spoiling a nice photo.

I had a quick mess with it if you don't mind, just a simple levels adjust, colour balance and high pass overlay. Takes a few seconds to do in Photoshop.

well you certainly need to get rid of that red tint... This is really how it looked that day. It was rather smoggy. I've tried adjusting to get rid of smog but it always ends up looking better before adding all of the noise and stuff from the massive edits
well you certainly need to get rid of that red tint...
Agreed. I'm not sure how the faded Ektachrome magenta look is an improvement.

Couple of my own, size sometimes restricted by the hosting services. my program is Arcsoft's Panorama Maker, and came with my HP scanner some years ago.

Pike's Peak, only 2 frames, scanned from prints.

Royal Gorge, 4 frames rectangular. No wide lens, shot four frames with my 50mm.

F-22 static display, 3 frames with 55-200 at 55, just to avoid changing lenses!

Dinner table at a family event, 4 or 5 frames

Beach crowd at an air show, 3 frames shot right to left, the guy in the white sunglasses was walking through as I shot.

Beach scenes at Bermuda

Beach scenes at Bermuda

From a corner worker station at Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama

Interior of the museum at Barber, 6 frames, pretty rough overlap in spots.

The warehouse of the museum, 7 frames, normally not open to view.

Stretching it a bit. 270-degree view of high water during Hurricane Dennis. This is the park I've posted sunset and lightning pictures from, if anybody remembers seeing those.

The view behind my wife's parents' house on Easter Sunday

A local scene

I've also got some Quicktime 360 views built with the same program. These are large files (20-ish MB), coming from a not-so-fast connection, so allow a few minutes. You'll get a better view of these if you save them locally and open them in Quicktime rather than letting the browser open them, so right-click and save-as.

From the same Dennis high water, a 360-degree view. I wasn't very careful to keep my camera level, and it shows.
Hurricane Dennis high water

From the Gibbs Hill lighthouse in Bermuda. There's a publicly accessible balcony near the top, and I took a frame from each of the 16 sides.
Bermuda lighthouse

From Cape San Blas, Florida, near Port St. Joe.
Gulf on one side, bay on the other
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well you certainly need to get rid of that red tint...

That is just an example, you could tint it or not however you pleased. The main point is the levels, it needs contrast. Not a landscape in the world accurately represents how it looked that very day because it wouldn't be as interesting to look at.