Post your videos that you edited

United States
LoomRock, CA
I think this thread is posted in the most appropriately designated area considering this thread has to do with the art of video production.

Anyway I thought that if would be cool to have a place to show off movies that our members have made not just pulled the trigger on a video camera, but took thoughtful time to stitch clips together, to make a movie by using editing.

Here is something I took about 5 hrs to throw together titled “ Predator N Da Pray ”

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It'd have been nice if you also took the time to check your spelling of predator and prey. And and. And the.

Basically everything that I post is ran through MS WORD so if something slips through, I was probably saying in my head as I checked my stuff for grammatical content, sorry.

When a title is applied to something like a book or a poem or anything of an artful nature, their is latitude for fracturing the written word to an artful expression.

There is even a liberal nature to the merit of the attempt, search for “ EBONICS” and how some public school systems think that it is ok if 1+1=3. :lol:
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Basically everything that I post is ran through MS WORD so if something slips through, I was probably saying in my head as I checked my stuff for grammatical content, sorry.
You do realise that Word, by default, does not spell check words that are in capitals?

When a title is applied to something like a book or a poem or anything of an artful nature, their is latitude for fracturing the written word to an artful expression.
So that accounts for the n and the da. The pray would work as a pun if there was some religious connotation, but there isn't, so it doesn't. Preditor is just a miss-spelling.


Anyway, here are 2 vids that I edited.

Great job Daan, WOW that second video was a total crack up, looking at what you could do w/ that little red car that had the camber cranked out doing some little dance, to the asphalt racers on dirt, or even the subterranean driving where no man has gone before.
May as well post in here, I used to do video editing quite frequently, I still do occassionally. Anyway here a couple of videos I've done. Must warn you, I'm posting them so the one below is the most recent one I've done, and they get older.

Richard Burns Memorial Rally

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Compilation (All video used in this one was recorded off my TV)

Colin McRae DiRT - WRC Compilation (Again all footage filmed from my TV)

GT5P Compiltation (Not my footage, official footage used primarily)

Santa Pod "Flames & Thunder 2007 Compilation

I would show you one from MPH05 now but YouTube have disabled the audio so I won't bother.
Probably my best few are these ones:

They're the ones that I've put the most effort into.... Hope you enjoy.
Probably my best few are these ones:

Hay Mad, I was wondering for the Trans Tas. and the Symmons Plains vids, what movie editing App. did you use to edit those? In one of the two Vids it looked like you were able to move the cyber camera from on top of an overpass and point it whare you wanted. What game is that or what sim site were you racing at?
Hay Mad, I was wondering for the Trans Tas. and the Symmons Plains vids, what movie editing App. did you use to edit those? In one of the two Vids it looked like you were able to move the cyber camera from on top of an overpass and point it whare you wanted. What game is that or what sim site were you racing at?

The Sim is rFactor. In rFactor you are able to position the camera anywhere you like in the replay and use the mouse to control it. Personally I move it with the G25 shifter buttons, move it up and down with the pedals and look with the mouse. So it's quite handy when making promos and round highlights videos.

The Video Editing Program I use is Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 with a little bit of NewBlueFX (the intro of the Symmons Plains Video).
A funny little sci-fi film I did for compositing class and for craps and giggles.

Great Vid, the story was a little short but the clarity was HD. How do you post something to youtube that ends up being so clear? Their thresholds are 2gig or 10min what are the peramiters of your production? Size, Res., ?
Great Vid, the story was a little short but the clarity was HD. How do you post something to youtube that ends up being so clear?

Thanks, yeah, had to keep it short due to assignment constraints. I don't think I would have wanted it to be any longer though, cause working with Adobe After Effects can drive me friggin' insane sometimes! :mad: :lol:

To upload it to YouTube in HD quality you have to export the movie in an HD format (1280 x 720, or 1920 x 1080), with correct aspect ratio (16:9) as well. In Final Cut I export them as H264 usually, I'm not sure what file format options are available for exporting on other editing systems. If all else fails you could always "save as" another format, but image quality may take a hit with compression. Ah, the life of a video editor! :lol:

Edit: Didn't see your edit, that video was 1280 x 720, 145.2 MB, H.264 codec.
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I really love the whole movie making thing but I’m just so inexperienced with all of the things that make sense to you ( Grand Prix ). I’m trying to crank my big box computer to be able to process video faster. I an struggling with Movie Maker right now, how frustrating is that piece of junk. Hopefully this thread continues to gain interest. I am getting smarter every time I spend endless hours pulling my hair out trying to cobble some video creation together using that junky program. I’ll probably end up knowing everything about it, I just wish it worked better and wouldn’t crash all the time.

If anyone has knowledge about how powerful my computer has to be to work with big video files and run the programs properly, please look at my computer specs and let me know how bad off I am.
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