Power Slides

  • Thread starter mine
Are power slides useful or are normal turns better?  Incase i'm doign it wrong, how do you power slide?  I do them by letting go of the gas, press the O button and turn...
Of cause the slide will be the faster way to turn.
Use downshif+break (not handbreak). You can hit gas repeatly if you are driving a FR car; a little for the 4WD; none for MR.
If the trun radius is larger than 130 degree, use handbreak will also help a lot.
so you mean you have to use the manual transmission for it?  If not, how can you manually make the gear go down when your in auti transmission?
You have to use manul transmition to downshift.
If you don't know how to use manul, you should learn it because it will help you a lot.