Pre-paid card DLC question

Hi everyone, new here

I'm thinking of buying a prepaid card to top up my psn credit. My problem is that since I wasn't familiar with the whole ps3 account setup when I bought it, I accidentally setup the account I use to play GT5 as a sub account and my master account is the one I use for cod.

I've read somewhere that to use credit from a prepaid card on a sub account you have to activate the card's code into your Master account wallet, and then you can simply log onto your sub-account and buy the DLC you want by using the master account's wallet. (and then the amount spent will be deducted from the master account wallet funds)

Is this true?

Also, since my PSN nationality is English, do I have to buy a UK PSN store card?

Thanks :)
I can't fully answer this question ATM, but this board is for site problems, not general questions. Try moving this to the Rumble Strip.
You can always try topping your sub account first if anything.

and in case you don't know how, at the top of first post, the "move thread" function is located in "thread tools"
I'm pretty sure you have to put the card on the account you want it to be used on. As far as using a US card UK card I don't know
Hello, I use pre-paid cards to add funds to my master account. I allow my son to spend money from time to time. Last time he wanted the DLC paints - he bought them when looged onto the PS3 in his PSN account, from the online store

I just change his allowance that he can spend, I have to change this, using my laptop, logged into my PSN, master account, in the manage subaccounts section (or something similiar)