President Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran

  • Thread starter Dazzla
President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official.

Despite the opposition of his own generals and widespread scepticism that America is ready to risk the military, political and economic consequences of an airborne strike on Iran, the president has given an “amber light” to an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties, the official told The Sunday Times.

“Amber means get on with your preparations, stand by for immediate attack and tell us when you’re ready,” the official said. But the Israelis have also been told that they can expect no help from American forces and will not be able to use US military bases in Iraq for logistical support.

Nor is it certain that Bush’s amber light would ever turn to green without irrefutable evidence of lethal Iranian hostility. Tehran’s test launches of medium-range ballistic missiles last week were seen in Washington as provocative and poorly judged, but both the Pentagon and the CIA concluded that they did not represent an immediate threat of attack against Israeli or US targets.
Article continued here.
Honestly? We are trying to get ourselves into another conflict? I really question our leaders and where their heads are at most of the time. The Middle East does not need yet another conflict going on, even if we aren't directly involved in it.

And the government wants to fight terrorism and protect it's citizens but we continually support Israel, which gives the terrorist something to fight for. It's obvious that the Islamic nations aren't friendly with Israel and it's obvious they do not care for the US because of our support. There will be a terrorist attack, or an attempted attack, on US soil if we give Israel full support in their strike on Iran. Yes the terrorist are going to hate the US for many reasons, but one of the biggest is our continuing support of Israel. No I'm not being anti-semitic either.

Also do we have the money to fund another fight over there? Do we have the personnel? Do we have the equipment? I honestly do not think we are ready for another conflict when we are already involved in both Afghanistan and Iraq. I really do not want my tax dollars funding this either when I look at all the issues that need to be cleared up here at home first. I just don't think we have the resources to fight in yet another conflict and I'll be damned if they try and reinstate a draft of some kind again.

Most of things this country does just makes me shake my head, but I think I'm beginning to just tolerate it because I've come to accept our leaders are morons whether they are Democrat or Republican...and that truly scares me. I want to like the country I live in and while there are decent things about this country our leadership is so disconnected with everything around them it makes it hard for me to say "I'm proud to be an American".
Don't act so surprised. Israel has been an ally of the United States for the past 50 years.

Oh no! The Terrorists don't like the Jews. Throw them under the bus! Pretend we don't feel the bumps.
I don't think we should support Israel, there is no need to and all it does it cause us problems in the long run. What do we honestly get out of being allies with them? It's good to have allies, but allies that cause you more problems then they solve aren't really worth it. And no it's not because most Israeli's are Jewish, that has zero factor in it for me. If they were Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Scientologist or whatever and caused the same amount of issues my opinion would be the same on it.

The US just needs to just look after itself for a while and get our stuff in order here at home first. As a taxpayer I think it's ridiculous to be wasting money on conflicts in the middle east and giving support to Israel.
I don't think we should support Israel, there is no need to and all it does it cause us problems in the long run. What do we honestly get out of being allies with them? It's good to have allies, but allies that cause you more problems then they solve aren't really worth it. And no it's not because most Israeli's are Jewish, that has zero factor in it for me. If they were Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Scientologist or whatever and caused the same amount of issues my opinion would be the same on it.

The US just needs to just look after itself for a while and get our stuff in order here at home first. As a taxpayer I think it's ridiculous to be wasting money on conflicts in the middle east and giving support to Israel.

Do you really think that if there wasn’t any interest, USA would continue allied with Israel?
I am not from USA, or don’t know about the alliance situation between USA and Israel, but, for the USA to keep supporting Israel, there must be some interest for both parties. It has always worked like this. I have to do some search before I can throw something.
But, I have to say, the USA is auto destroying itself. Bush, is destroying America.
Do you really think that if there wasn’t any interest, USA would continue allied with Israel?
I am not from USA, or don’t know about the alliance situation between USA and Israel, but, for them to keep supporting and that, it must have some interest to the government. I has always worked like this. I have to do some search before I can throw something.

I think we sort of owe it to them since we stuck them in the middle east in 1947. That's really the only reason I can see why we protect them, we put them there.

And if you'll note I asked the thread what do we get out of being allies with them. I can't see anything, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything.
I think we sort of owe it to them since we stuck them in the middle east in 1947. That's really the only reason I can see why we protect them, we put them there.

That's the only reason you could come up with? It's not a very good one either.
That's the only reason you could come up with? It's not a very good one either.

Would you care to actually contribute to the conversation instead of mocking me?

Yes Israel develops weapons that we buy, but I believe we could easily come up with our own high tech stuff without their help. Yes Israel helps us with intelligence, but we could do the same thing without their help.

Honestly if the US attacks Iran I will have pretty much given up all hope on this country's leaders.
I mock you because you don't understand the pure basics of this current event.

Try starting here:

That still doesn't explain why the US and Israel are allied, which was the initial post. I'm am quite aware of the missile test, but is that really something to risk a huge, costly conflict over? Think about it, why would Iran be showing they mean business? Maybe because a huge part of the US forces, probably the most powerful military, is in their backyard and they don't really care for it.

This could all more than likely be solved through diplomatic means instead of blowing each other to kingdom come.

Even from the article it appears we don't even know the extent of how good or bad the missile was.
Iranian officials confirmed Saturday the nation test-fired missiles earlier in the week, although some experts have said their technological capability is not as great as Tehran claimed.


Some experts, however, have said the prowess of the missiles was not as great as Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps claimed in Iranian media, which provided the first confirmation of the tests.
Have you read a newspaper for the past 15 years? The Bush administration has been trying to do this for most of it's 8 years in office.

I wish I could throw a history book across the Internet.

Quit being so patronizing, anyone can read a Wikipedia article. Frankly I find the way you are acting to be rude and bordering on an AUP violation. I have taken history, I understand the basics of our relationship with Israel and I will freely admit I am no expert on the subject.

Yes I keep up with the news, yes I know the Bush administration like to invade countries and start wars. I'm merely stating my disgust of how it's all going down and how I feel they are making a bigger mockery out of this country than it already is. This thread is about discussion opinions on what we should do about the Iranian situation, not trying to act high and mighty.

I have said why I think it would be a bad idea for us to start another conflict with Iran. We can't afford it financially or through man power, and I don't want to have to pay for it when we have so much that needs attention back here at home. I don't think we should be allied as closely as we are with Israel because I feel they cause our country quite a few unneeded hardships. Honestly I don't really agree with foreign aid all that much.
I think we sort of owe it to them since we stuck them in the middle east in 1947. That's really the only reason I can see why we protect them, we put them there.

And if you'll note I asked the thread what do we get out of being allies with them. I can't see anything, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything.

We didn't, the UN did.

Anyway, Israel has its own nukes and can defend itself. I think the U.S. should stay neutral toward Iran, but evidently that isn't going to be the case as the bum Congress passed authorization to blockade on the entire country.

Iran is not a threat to the US. Iran could shut down the Straits of Hormuz, but then they would be the entire world's problem. All of the antagonism against Iran only makes Ahmedinajad more popular.

It's hard to be diplomatic with guns drawn.
We didn't, the UN did.

True. However, you and I both know the US plays a huge role in the UN, especially during the late 40's. No they don't make the decisions by themselves but they have a big influence in what happens.

It's hard to be diplomatic with guns drawn.

Agreed, but really diplomacy is what needs to be done or at least strongly attempted. Military engagement (by the US at least) should only be used as a last resort and only if it's going to affect the US.

This is a general statement and not directed at anyone in particular, but are you willing to pay, out of your pocket, for yet another war in the Middle East? I know I am not when I can see our tax money being used to improve this country and truly making it the best in the world. We have the resources we just need to allocate them correctly.
Have you read a newspaper for the past 15 years? The Bush administration has been trying to do this for most of it's 8 years in office.
Antagonizing every country over there does not count as diplomacy. Bush and Cheney's "do what we say, or we'll bomb you" attitude is the reason the whole world hates the U.S.. Get these 🤬 war-mongering, lying retards out of the White House!!!
Antagonizing every country over there does not count as diplomacy. Bush and Cheney's "do what we say, or we'll bomb you" attitude is the reason the whole world hates the U.S.. Get these 🤬 war-mongering, lying retards out of the White House!!!

Let me write you a prescription for BDS and I'll refer you to a specialist for acute paranoia.
I didn't realize there was such a thing as a Bush fanboy. That's a new one. :lol:

Obviously you voted for him too I gather...
We didn't, the UN did.

Anyway, Israel has its own nukes and can defend itself. I think the U.S. should stay neutral toward Iran, but evidently that isn't going to be the case as the bum Congress passed authorization to blockade on the entire country.

Iran is not a threat to the US. Iran could shut down the Straits of Hormuz, but then they would be the entire world's problem. All of the antagonism against Iran only makes Ahmedinajad more popular.

It's hard to be diplomatic with guns drawn.

Actually, Ahmedinejad isn't that popular in Iran, because he has failed to get as many people out of poverty as he said he would. He has his 'extreme' following (or what ever you want to call them) but Iran has always had those, the IRG are a bit mad too.

I think military action against Iran is inevitable. Say hello to oil prices tripling and the Middle East exploding into oblivion. Iran will get backed by Syria. I just feel for all the innocent civilians who will die.

Am I right in thinking that McCain said he would strike Iran if he were in power?
Honestly? We are trying to get ourselves into another conflict? I really question our leaders and where their heads are at most of the time. The Middle East does not need yet another conflict going on, even if we aren't directly involved in it.

And the government wants to fight terrorism and protect it's citizens but we continually support Israel, which gives the terrorist something to fight for. It's obvious that the Islamic nations aren't friendly with Israel and it's obvious they do not care for the US because of our support. There will be a terrorist attack, or an attempted attack, on US soil if we give Israel full support in their strike on Iran. Yes the terrorist are going to hate the US for many reasons, but one of the biggest is our continuing support of Israel. No I'm not being anti-semitic either.

Also do we have the money to fund another fight over there? Do we have the personnel? Do we have the equipment? I honestly do not think we are ready for another conflict when we are already involved in both Afghanistan and Iraq. I really do not want my tax dollars funding this either when I look at all the issues that need to be cleared up here at home first. I just don't think we have the resources to fight in yet another conflict and I'll be damned if they try and reinstate a draft of some kind again.

Most of things this country does just makes me shake my head, but I think I'm beginning to just tolerate it because I've come to accept our leaders are morons whether they are Democrat or Republican...and that truly scares me. I want to like the country I live in and while there are decent things about this country our leadership is so disconnected with everything around them it makes it hard for me to say "I'm proud to be an American".

You're an idiot and here's why. I was born in Russia and that wis where the majority of my family is from. I moved to Atlanta in 1994 and have grown up my whole life there. Half of my JEWISH family moved to Isreal around the same time. Im vacationing in Isreal right now as i am here for my cousins wedding and let me tell you something. It's quiet different watching the news and know that a possible nuke strike could come directly at you. Now i am here for two weeks but these people live it it their whole lives. It is the duty of America and other first world nations to protect countries either being bullied or under treat from terroirst. There is no one in this world that is as much an ally to the U.S. as Isreal. I mean really, do you just want for Iran to come through here and kill everyone because we are Jewish? What's wrong with you man?

You realize once you turn 18 in Isreal you must join the military because you know that it is your responsibility to protect your family from the evil that lives across the street. Just think about what an ordinary day would be like in your world if you had to grow up the way kids do here.

[Comment towards another member removed by moderator.]

And remember, Isreal has and will do more for the U.S. than you ever will.
It is the duty of America and other first world nations to protect countries either being bullied or under treat from terroirst. There is no one in this world that is as much an ally to the U.S. as Isreal. I mean really, do you just want for Iran to come through here and kill everyone because we are Jewish? What's wrong with you man?

You realize once you turn 18 in Isreal you must join the military because you know that it is your responsibility to protect your family from the evil that lives across the street. Just think about what an ordinary day would be like in your world if you had to grow up the way kids do here.

And remember, Isreal has and will do more for the U.S. than you ever will.

It IS NOT the duty of any government to protect any other people but its own. Cool it with the attacks. Joey did not deserve that.

Israel would crush Iran anyway. The most Iran could do is probably put up a short fight and sink a few ships.

I don't know what kind of propaganda the Iranians and Israelis are fed, but to me it seems like both sides feel the same way about each other. America worked things out with the USSR. Likewise, the middle-east should be able come to peace with an end to all of this instigation and antagonism.

Sureshot, I know Ahmedinejad isn't popular, but my point was that his popularity is somewhat boosted anyway when the country is perceived as being aggressed upon.
You're an idiot and here's why. I was born in Russia and that wis where the majority of my family is from. I moved to Atlanta in 1994 and have grown up my whole life there. Half of my JEWISH family moved to Isreal around the same time. Im vacationing in Isreal right now as i am here for my cousins wedding and let me tell you something. It's quiet different watching the news and know that a possible nuke strike could come directly at you. Now i am here for two weeks but these people live it it their whole lives. It is the duty of America and other first world nations to protect countries either being bullied or under treat from terroirst. There is no one in this world that is as much an ally to the U.S. as Isreal. I mean really, do you just want for Iran to come through here and kill everyone because we are Jewish? What's wrong with you man?

You realize once you turn 18 in Isreal you must join the military because you know that it is your responsibility to protect your family from the evil that lives across the street. Just think about what an ordinary day would be like in your world if you had to grow up the way kids do here.

And remember, Isreal has and will do more for the U.S. than you ever will.

You can disagree with me, but do so in a respectful way.

Also if you bothered to read anything I wrote I said it didn't matter if the Israelis are Jewish, they could be anything and I would have the same opinion on it. Hell they could be a country full of atheist and I would still feel the exact same way.

Even though me and Omnis rarely agree on political issues it seems I agree with him here, it is not the duty of any government to protect anyone else except it's own people.
It seems that neither the Iranians or the Israelis understand the concept of recognising each other's rights to exist, or each others right to do what a sovereign nation is legally allowed to do. Iran have a nuclear programme, but they are perfectly entitled to have one - and the evidence to show that Iran are developing nuclear weapons is flimsy to say the least. Not to mention that it is somewhat hypocritical of Israel to accuse a Middle Eastern nation of trying to obtain a secret nuclear arsenal... perhaps they are upset that Iran are stealing all their ideas?

Both nations are guilty of sabre-rattling - Israel with their high profile war games, designed to show Iran that it is capable of an air strike, and Iran responding with a missile test to show* Israel that they could strike back... But what of it? If Israel did decide to attack Iran, I think they'd find themselves pretty much on their own... So far, the US has done a good job of staying out of the whole debacle. It may be in the interests of everyone to keep a tab on what Iran are doing with their nuclear weapons programme (if that even exists), but it is similarly in everyone's interest that Israel do not start a potentially catastrophic war over something that they have little if any right (let alone justification) to do...

* even going so far as to photoshop a picture to hide the fact that one of their missiles didn't launch!
It is the duty of America and other first world nations to protect countries either being bullied or under treat from terroirst.

Absolutely not. The US does not owe Israel protection from terrorists. Israel is a sovereign nation and can take care of itself.

It seems that neither the Iranians or the Israelis understand the concept of recognising each other's rights to exist

I think Israel recognizes Iran's sovereignty as a nation.

Iran have a nuclear programme, but they are perfectly entitled to have one - and the evidence to show that Iran are developing nuclear weapons is flimsy to say the least.

Nuclear weapons are all that's being discussed here, and they do not have a right to have those. Iran is making clear overtures to indicate that they're breaching the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Both Israel and the US are making clear overtures that we're willing to enforce that treaty. The rest of the civilized world should be as well. If Iran is developing nuclear arms (something they're NOT allowed to do based on their own agreements), the parties on the other side of that treaty should be prepared to either negotiate new terms (won't happen from the US or Israel), strike the offending facilities (most likely), or invalidate the treaty by refusing to take action. That last approach weakens those nations' entire foreign policy.
Nuclear weapons are all that's being discussed here, and they do not have a right to have those. Iran is making clear overtures to indicate that they're breaching the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Both Israel and the US are making clear overtures that we're willing to enforce that treaty. The rest of the civilized world should be as well. If Iran is developing nuclear arms (something they're NOT allowed to do based on their own agreements), the parties on the other side of that treaty should be prepared to either negotiate new terms (won't happen from the US or Israel), strike the offending facilities (most likely), or invalidate the treaty by refusing to take action. That last approach weakens those nations' entire foreign policy.

This is an honest question and not meant to spark a debate, but why is it that the US and Israel are allowed to have nuclear weapons but Iran is not? To me it would make sense if all nuclear weapons were outlawed because really no good comes from them as far as I can tell.

Also I assume Iran is allowed to develop a nuclear energy programme without issue?
This is an honest question and not meant to spark a debate, but why is it that the US and Israel are allowed to have nuclear weapons but Iran is not? To me it would make sense if all nuclear weapons were outlawed because really no good comes from them as far as I can tell.

Also I assume Iran is allowed to develop a nuclear energy programme without issue?