Preventing Suicide

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
My buddy McLaren'sAngel says in her signature that I make topics that are fun and cool. But oh my, GTPlanet. This is not a fun topic at all. Suicide is the taking of one's own life. We obviously know that this is no "like it or not" topic, so let's try to give opinions as to what we can do to prevent suicide.

In my opinion, suicide is basically wanting to give up in life. A person has had such a tough life that the person wishes he or she were dead. The reasons are varied, but the tragic aftermath remains. Some of the reasons include not being loved and cared, losing someone special in your life, being severely depressed that there is no way to rebound, or whatever else. I'm not going to share stories of my rough life, but when I was in the 9th Grade back around February 1998, there was a girl I rarely got to know who took my physical science class. The sad thing was that she seemed like a very innocent person. Very fashionable, pretty popular with friends... But one day in class, when I came into class, I found out that the girl took her father's gun and shot herself. It was a sad day, even the counselor who came in was crying. And when I thought my life was bad, it made me appreciate that life could have been much worse. Thankfully, I have all the reason in the world to enjoy life until God opens His Golden Gates into Heaven.

So all I can say for advice is that... come on, now. Give yourself a chance. I'm sure life isn't THAT bad if nothing good is coming. Even I've had my good breaks. I've had off-and-on depression. Almost like someone flicks a switch at the right time, and I'm wallowing. But if life is going horrible for you, suicide is not the answer. If life is bad, try to think positively and negate all of what is bothering you. You are a wonderful person. Different from others, and human. Humans live in happiness and in sadness and you are no different. Give yourself a chance and try to feel better even when times are rough. Those are my opinions on preventing suicide. How about you, GTPlanet?
I'm willing to bet that most people who attempt suicide have some sort of chemical imbalance, or some psychological problem. Medication and psychological treatments are the best ways to prevent suicide.

Well, homocide is the best way to prevent suicide, but aside from that...
In point of fact, most attempts at suicide, are 'cries for help" from the person in question.
If a person is bound and determined to do themselves in, there is really no way to stop them. Because that person will ussually choose a time and a method that is "final".
If they do the "suicide prep" stuff, then there is some warning, and perhaps a chance to help.
If they start giving away their stuff for no apparent reason, or talking about suicide, and have a plan, then they are at risk for actually taking their own life.
If they have a plan, then they are probably quite serious about taking their own life.
They must be gotten to professional help ASAP if they are at this stage.
But all you can do is help them to see that they aren't so much ending thier problems as putting a heaping helping of **** on the people that care about them.
The people that are left behind in the aftermath are the ones that suffer. They have the despair of wondering if there is anything that they could have done to prevent the suicide. And that is a huge load to bear.
If the person comtemplating suicide comes to you, help them get to professional help. In the interim, Help them see that the best revenge is not killing yourself, but living well in spite of/in the face of whatever has brought you to the place where you wish to take your own life.
However, the bottom line is Get them to professional help.
Then try to deal with the possibility that they may try anyway, and succeed.
hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol:

awww suicide is a word that gets me to think about everyone I see in my life that looks depress or always talking negative about themselves. Its hurts my feeling so much when I hear my friends sometimes talk about how their parents dont care about them or how others can do this and how he/she cant. Its even worse when the person is showing all of these signs of suicide and no one retaliate to do anything about it. The person who plan to suicide and is showing signs is doing it to show how much hate he/she have for her/himself. Doing all the signs and hoping, HOPING someone would come and help them get out of the black abyss that is going to take their life away.

Since I trust and like this furom site a lot, I wanna share with you a suicide incident that happen to my friend about 2 years ago. Here we go:

My friend Celene was in 11th grade that time when I was a 9th grader at high school. Celene during that year showed alot of that sad lonely face everytime she see a couple kiss or hug on the school campus. She would always tell us at the mall of how she wish she have someone to luv and luv her back. We told her many times that it will take time for someone to come in her life and that someday she will meet someone. But as time went by and the end of the school year was near, she called all of us to her house because she said she wanted to show us all something.

By the time we all got to her two story house. Celene told us to stand behind her front gate because she is going to go on the roof and show it to us. We all believe it was going to be some fireworks of some sort. By the time she was on the roof, she have this sad look on her face and was holding a brown grocery bag in her arms.

"I am glad I have friends like all of you. This is the last time you will all see me. Good Bye."

:tears: Celene placed the brown bag on her head and let herself drop from the roof of the two story building and her head landed on the stair steps of her front door....*sniff* it happened so fast that we all coudlnt do anything in time. I was already trying to climb her 5 foot brick wall to try to save her by the time her body began to fall. Some of out boys were already over the wall but didnt make it in time. All there was left of my friend Celene was her lifeless body on the steps and a bag soaked with blood convering her head. We were all screaming and crying out her name as me and my friends just grab onto each her hard and cry and cry. Her parents came out to find out her daughter's life was gone withuot notice. It hurts so much to see a friend or a relative to say nice things that are true and leave your life. It hurts me one of my best friend to suicide right infront of me and my friends. it HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HUUUUUUURTS!!!!
damn...I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must have been REALLY hard on all of you.

My sister once contemplated it...It was odd because what happened is that she asked her friend "how would I go about killing myself" and her friend responded by saying take lots and lots of tylenol. The next day she was too sick to go to school and we found out about this conversation when we got a call from her school. Her friend got worried and told the principals and they called us. My sis got into craploads of trouble with the school and well, my mom nearly had a breakdown and I...just sat there thinking "what an idiot." Everyone said to make her go to some form of therapy but she'll outright refuse it if the topic every time the topic is brought up. She's been hiding so much from us that now my parents are considering monitoring her msn usage to keep an eye on her. She tells everything to her friends but never a word to mom or dad when something's up. Except for when she says she needs something for herself. At least she's been normal after that happened...well, as normal she can possibly be (not very).

In the end, she said that she was joking about suicide and that got her into even deeper **** because half the people that found this out didn't believe her, and the other half started insulting her.

I don't get it, what exactly drives people to this extreme anyways (I mean suicide)?
I'm sorry to hear about that. Hearing about things like that also puts me off.

Suicide is a topic that I like to forget about. It's the same with war. I hate hearing about Suicide. It has crossed my mind once or twice before, but I just stopped and thought about how it would affect my family and friends. They are the main influences to not attempt suicide. Listen to everyone around you. They will change your mind about attempting to take your own life (For the better I hope) I like this girl and she gives me my motivation in life. It definately works. I havn't even thought about it since I fell for her.
I feel sorry for people who didn't have decent parents who care about them or they were abused by parents or siblings. And it does feel bad to hear them put themselves down sometimes
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I'm willing to bet that most people who attempt suicide have some sort of chemical imbalance, or some psychological problem. Medication and psychological treatments are the best ways to prevent suicide.

Agreed - problem is, the societal taboos around this topic make it very difficult for people to speak out about their feelings, and consequently many who feel this way simply can't get decent access to the services that may save their life.
In talking about suicide, I hope that if any people think that some people live to die, that they think otherwise. I mean, suicide is a sin, but some people don't care because life has dealt some people bad hands. I can't save everyone from thinking that- that will come down to people who actually live a sucky life and think that taking one's own life is the only way out because obviously, it isn't.

McLaren'sAngel is such a free-spirited, care-free young lady. I re-read this suicide story she brought up, and I tend to imagine if a special friend of mine killed himself or herself. I'm not kissing up to her when I say this, but as much as I can be free-spirited, I'm often reminded of tough breaks in my life. As I've said, suicide is not fun at all. read Gil's post in case you know someone, or you yourself, are contemplating suicide. And if suicide is mentioned, save your life now before it's too late! You live only once, and you'll have to learn to deal with it. You owe it to yourself to stay happy and safe.
Yeah, my girlfriend tried commiting suicide about 2 years ago, before i knew her. She's on anti-depressants, and her mum says shes a lot better than she used to be. She goes to counselling too now. It does kind of worry me, but I think society tries to ignore suicide and hope it'll go away.
People in general are too self-centred. They don't try and understand how others feel enough. I think we need to look at things and understand that just because someone gets depressed, to the point of suicide or not, they aren't FREAKS they just have problems and need to be helped. It scared me ****less when i first found out about what she did (cut both wrists AND tried to overdose) but I've realised she just needs help. Part of it is her family situation (lives with 5 other kids, 1 from same dad, 4 from step-dad; mum was beaten by dad before she had to leave him, other stuff i cant go into because shes trusted me by telling me it).

I think the only thing we can do is try and be 'good friends' with people. Make sure you talk to them as often as possible, don't ever let them get lonely if you can do something; help them whenever you can and give whatever suport you can. Suicidal people aren't beyond help, but people need to give their own time to help them.

Whatever, you do, DON't tell them they'll have to learn to live with it. If they end up dead and you end up with that on your concience for the rest of your life, you'll regret it.
I have a very good friend whois currently on medication for depression. When she forgets to take the medication the depression takes over and she usually ends up cutting her wrists or taking an overdose. So far she has been lucky but soon she might actually succeed. Afterwards she realises how stupid she was but there is a large chance that she will try again at some point. I spend quite a bit of time every day checking up on her. I was once in love with her and we had alot of fun. Now we are just really good friends and I care about her a great deal, I dont know what I would do if she did succeed. nothing scares me more then losing her, I dont know what I can do. She has been alot better recently and seems to be coming out of it but there is always a chance. I just have to stay on my toes.
hey guys.
This topic's fresh in my mind because just two weeks ago my friend went on a suicidal rant on AIM. Another friend of mine (his friend too) and I were the only one's online. My friend wasn't talking to me and I didnt know what was up when the other friend IMd saying "OMG I think Joe's (not real name) gonna do it!" I live like 2 miles from all of my friends so I couldn't personally take the car from my parents at 1 in the morning and drive to stop him. Desparation took over as I started to call our other friends. I eventually got a hold of my friend Justin, which lives 3 minutes away from Joe. For the next 15 minutes of "radio silence" I waited for a call back. Joe signed back online and between my friend and I we had assembled about 6 of our friends online to talk with Joe. I signed off at past 3 in the morning that night.

Yes, suicide is something I'd like to forget existed but I'm in a group of semi-suicidal friends. Joe is probably the only one that actually attempts. Stopping 3 other suicides is also a thing you rarely can forget. I'm the optimistic one in the group, never considered suicide before. Still won't. I see it as a coward's way out. Willing to jeopardize the happiness of friends and families for your own "happiness". It's selfish. And to go through with an attempt AFTER talking to someone. That leaves the last person with contact to think that it was his/her fault. That since they couldn't stop it they're to blame. Suicide is evil on so many levels.
I agree that suicide is in a way wrong, but I'd rather you not call it 'the coward's way out'. Lots of people have MEDICAL CONDITIONS which mean that they are naturally more prone to depression and suicide.

BTW, DQuaN, its not my girlfriend you're on about is it? :confused: Not called Charlotte (or Charli) is she?
Everyone has a point where they can't deal with anything anymore. I admit, I'm reaching that point right now. Just look in one of my threads titled What Should I Do (Girl Trouble) You'll see why. I'm getting the point to where I just can't go on. I can't fight anymore. Fortunately I have a strong head. I have that don't give up no matter what attitude. Suicide is a very real thing. It should not. Must not be taken lightly. I see that quite a few people here know or know of someone who has tried. Show them that people do care.
I scares me pretty bad when she doesn't take her anti-depressants. When she suddenly phones me and starts swearing at me down the phone and giving me loads of ****, it is quite frightening. Still, I'm used to it now.
Just stick with her man. Show her you and everyone else cares. That and when you are with her, always have spare antidepressants just in case. You never know if you may need it.

I'm so sad right now. When I'm not posting, I'm staring at my phone. Waiting for it say these two special words... 'Message Recieved' I don't what I'll do if she doesn't reply. She has less than an hour now. I'm starting to panic. I don't like this.
Thing probably know that anti-depressants cause your weight to fluctuate a lot. Well, she is barely even overweight, but you know what girls are like, they spend their whole life worrying about their weight. Her mum says she has improved since I met her, which is good.
I can't have spare anti-depressants because apparantly I could be arrested for possession of them if I couldn't explain why I had them, and they're really strong, so they only give her small amounts on prescription very often so that she couldn't try and overdose.

You talking bout that girl? Remember, most girls I know never have credit anyway. But don't put your whole hope in one thing. Its easy for me to say, i'm a Jehovah's Witness so I have a faith but I'm not gona start preacjing to you!! :lol: :lol:

Just stay calm, man.
Sounds like you are in a similar situation as me. Last week she took 40 anti-depressent pills (aparently 20 can kill you - WICH SHE WAS TOLD BY THE DOCTORS THAT GAVE THEM TO HER!!!) Luckily she was fine but she seems to think nothing will work now and keeps upping the dose. Just got to stick with it and hope for the best.
She used to but hasn't recently, im trying to get her to start up again. She called the doctors about it a couple of weeks ago and they never got back to her which pissed her off and now she says why should she bother. It's really annoying, i'm sure she will soon though. I'm going to make her.
If you care for hher, then you do basically love her. You gotta remember to tell her that when you can. Even good friends can forget that anyone cares. One problem is that when my g/f forgets to take her anti-depressants, she thinks differently. She kinda goes into her own little world, which is the worst thing she could do, because she forgets that people love her. Sometimes I'd go to see her and she wouldn't even let me come in her room. So I just texted her instead.

NEVER let her feel unloved, that the worst thing that can happen. Try and convince her to speak to you whenever shes upset, and then it'll be natural for her to do so.
I'm doing my best. I always try to make her feel loved even though she doesn't alway belive me. She seems to think everything and everyone is against her. I'll keep trying to convince her otherwise.
I know. Its hard but she's part of my life now. I couldn't forget her even if I wanted to, and I don't know what I would do without her and she kinda needs me. I find it hard sometimes but you've just got to hang in there and try and help because things can improve, Charli (that's her name, she hates being called Charlotte!) seems to be improving and her doctor has already been able to reduce her dose a lot, and its possible that she might be able to come off them altogether. Gotta go, thanks this discussion has helped quite a bit.

Thanks to JohnBM01, its your best (if admittedly not happiest) thread.
As I was getting ready to head onto the Internet this past Saturday night, there were phone calls to my house with my parents telling me that one of my relatives killed herself. From what I heard, she apparentely shot herself in the head. Without getting too personal, many of my relatives and the parents I live with have had episodes of depression. The relative that committed suicide apparentely tried to kill herself for a long time, trying every thing in the book just to take her own life. And she succeeded this past Saturday night.

No matter how hard life gets, no one is going to be perfect at solving every problem. So every now and then, we need someone to pick us up when we are down. There used to be a song with lyrics that went, "Lean on me, when we are not strong...," and the same can be held for today's rough world. I know I've had a habit of not asking people for help when I've had rough times, or maybe I'll ask for help without really putting trust into that person. Say that I'm whining, complaining, boring you, wasting valuable bandwidth, but the fact is that sometimes you need to ask someone for help. It may not be the most effective measure for some people, but at least there's someone who actually cares what you're talking about. Would you rather go alone in life, taking the hard way out by killing yourself? Of course not. I'm depressed right now, having to deal with the worries of school and not being able to step up to a bigger and better place. Suicide is about the worst thing you can do to try to end your problems once and for all. YOU CANNOT TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE! I guess some people, however, don't take advantage of asking for help. I have had my friends and foes in real life, the Internet, GTPlanet, other message boards I've been on, but when things never seemed to change for the better, I never tried anything to kill myself. Give yourself a chance in life and make sure that if you really need some help, you need to give yourself some space and seek professional help. The more you give yourself a chance and negate all pressures around you, the longer you'll life and the more you'll feel happy.
omg, that totally sucks, John. Sorry to hear that...

For anyone struggling through suicidal thoughts, or have had friends/family members contemplating/attempting suicide, I STRONGLY recommend that you pick up the book "Long Hard Road Out Of Hell".
You can't stop someone from committing suicide most of the time. The only way you can do that is by making someone realize that if the situation is bad enough to kill yourself over, it can only get better. Also they have to realize that you can always die later, so why rush it? Then they might change their minds. The problem is that people who consider suicide can't think rationally anymore. Many have a personality disorder, and you can't just take that disorder away. Those people need councelling and a way to deal with their disorder.

Another reason why you can't stop people from killing themselves is because most of the time you can't see it coming. People act all happy and sunshine in front of others, but when they are home alone again they break down in complete misery... yet nobody knows about that. One of my cousin's friends, with who nobody knew something was wrong, killed himself by walking into a train.
So far most of this is about love issues or childhoos issues, but what about people in hospitols surrfering from terrible desieases who wishes to die? dunno, was just in my head while reading this

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