Problem transferring game/save data to new PS3

  • Thread starter revsplus
Hi all. First up, apologies if this has already been covered a thousand times, but all my Googling on the subject has come to nothing.

Had an old PS3. Fitted bigger HD. Soon afterward, PS3 began death throes. Why? Who knows. My guess is overheating or old age.

Before the old PS3 carked it, I managed to use the Backup Utility to save...something. It was a while ago. Game data? Save data? At any rate, I was just trying to save my GT6 cars/cash/progress, and this seemed to be the way to do it.

What I ended up with on an external USB drive is a PS3 folder, in which there is an EXPORT folder and an UPDATE folder. The EXPORT folder contains a BACKUP folder, which contains a [lots of digits] folder, which contains about 30 GB of archive .DAT files. The UPDATE folder contains a file called PS3UPDAT.PUP.

I tried to use the Backup Utility on my new slim PS3 to restore all my stuff, and everything seemed to be going OK until I installed, updated and fired up GT6--and I was back at the beginning of the game.

My question is: what have I missed? How do I get the game to load my saved stuff? If it helps, I have created two User names. One is my User name from the old PS3, and the other is the same name followed by an asterisk. I think that happened because I somehow created a User name on the new machine before being officially asked to create a User name.

Supplementary request: my daughter has started using my PS3. If whatever solution you suggest could involve not overwriting her game saves, that would be cool.

Please do not suggest starting from the beginning. I've tried that, and it's not fun. :)

Thanks in advance.
It looks like you saved just your game data (installed files) rather than the save file itself.

Other than PS+ or your old PS3 still having some life in it, I don't think there's a way of getting your save game back but someone else might have an idea.
@revsplus maybe I can help, I just did this after my blu ray drive died and got a new PS3.

Assuming the old ps3 will boot up into the XMB menu all you need to do is copy the most recent GT 6 file from your Save Data Utility Folder to a USB drive (It's a small file , mine is 363KB) and copy it to the same folder on the new system.

The destination PS3's user name does not matter but the PSN account/ user name must be the same.

While the GT 6 save file is not copy protected many are (EA games quite often) and the only way to transfer those is via play station plus. Here is a link that discusses this.

Good luck and hope this helps you.
Thank you both.

@RuddRacer, I'm afraid I sent my dead PS3 back to Sony in exchange for a cheapish refurbished one. As @kilesa4568 suggested, I don't think I saved the save file, but just in case I did, could you tell me the name of your file (or at least the file extension) so I can search for it?

Back to the ol' Sunday Cup for now...
Under the save data folder the only GT 6 files will be replays and the save game. There is not to my knowlage any extension. If you did a backup system I don't think you will see it the same way and not sure what it looks like.

It is a small file (363k was mine). hope this helps.