problem with dirt 3 and turbo s wheel on 360

  • Thread starter bevo


bevo francis
The wheel works fine on every other game I have. When I put in dirt 3 (360 version) the wheel starts this weird vibrating on the title screen whenever its not dead center, and it still does it a little then. Then when you go to race there is either very little to no force feedback, and the wheel is making an awful grinding or vibrating noise.

I took out dirt 3 and put in shift 2 and the FF was gone. I turned the wheel off and still no FF. Then I unplugged the wheel and turned it back on and everything was fine in shift 2. I put dirt 3 back in and got the same results, the girnding and no FF. The wheel will not even try and center itself while driving.

I took out dirt 3, unplugged the wheel and put shift 2 back in and everything was fine. I tried unplugging and resetting the wheel for dirt 3, I lowered FF in game and on wheel, and nothing short of turning the FF all the way off will work.
The FF simply will not work at all with dirt 3, and it feels like the game is trying to destroy the wheel somehow.

Has anyone had any kinds fo problems like this with dirt 3 and the turbo s wheel, and are there any fixes for this problem?

edit: I had my ebrake mapped to the clutch and I turned that off and for some reason a little FF kicked in, but the strange grinding feeling is still there and the FF is still very wrong.
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my PTWS seems fine with dirt 3 on my 360. the only prob i have is when you finish a race and the screen gives you your points the wheel twitches to the left 3 times.
it does the twitching with every wheel during the post race stuff :P. They didnt consider some people might rest their chins on their wheels postrace -_-.

What ffb settings are you using? I have sho,spr, set to 0 and driftmode @ 4. also i took all the deadzone out in the ingame settings.
@steve, if you turn off the vibration setting in the settings, the wheel will no longer do that, don't forget to save your profile.