Profile Posts

  • Thread starter TexRex
United States
a baby, candy, it's like taking.
No troubles, just questions.

There's obviously a character limit of 140 for a post ("status update") on one's own profile, but presumably the same limit isn't in effect when posting on another's as I've seen some lengthy messages (that probably ought to have been sent privately, but I digress) appear on the forum list page and it makes me wonder what the limit there is.

Still on the subject of profile post character limits; that for comments on profile posts is clearly significantly more lax, but I've still been hit with that error message that doesn't actually define the limit that was exceeded, so what is it?

Own profile, first post char. limit: 140
Another profile, first post char. limit: (?)
Comment on profile post char. limit: (?)
Any relevant character limits not addressed above?

Finally...self-deleting posts. What happens here? It seems to happen instantaneously, but that there's a prompt to provide a reason for deletion tells me a record is kept. Obviously such a record is handy in the case of an offensive message that's promptly removed, and for which an explanation is likely warranted, but if both a post and the reason for deletion are innocuous, is submitting a reason still useful/necessary?

As usual, thanks in advance.

I believe the secret limit you're looking for in regards to commenting on a status is the ever classy ... 420 :cool:
No troubles, just questions.


There's obviously a character limit of 140 for a post ("status update") on one's own profile, but presumably the same limit isn't in effect when posting on another's as I've seen some lengthy messages (that probably ought to have been sent privately, but I digress) appear on the forum list page and it makes me wonder what the limit there is.
Own profile, first post char. limit: 140
Another profile, first post char. limit: 420
Comment on profile post char. limit: 420

Finally...self-deleting posts. What happens here? It seems to happen instantaneously, but that there's a prompt to provide a reason for deletion tells me a record is kept. Obviously such a record is handy in the case of an offensive message that's promptly removed, and for which an explanation is likely warranted, but if both a post and the reason for deletion are innocuous, is submitting a reason still useful/necessary?
Correct, all deleted messages are retained and can be read by moderators. You can provide an explanation if you want (it will also only be visible to moderators) but that is entirely optional. As you mention, it is usually obvious why messages are deleted by users themselves. The field is primarily used by moderators when deleting messages — it allows them to leave a note for other staff members explaining why they did so.
I believe the secret limit you're looking for in regards to commenting on a status is the ever classy ... 420 :cool:
Hey, you got it. At three times the limit for one's own profile posting, it wasn't entirely daft...but it's nice to know for sure.


Thanks again for the info. One left out in the OP: Is there any kind of alert mechanism for moderators if these messages are deleted or is it only known when investigated (such as in the case of user reports prior to the poster deleting the post)?
Is there any kind of alert mechanism for moderators if these messages are deleted or is it only known when investigated (such as in the case of user reports prior to the poster deleting the post)?
They aren't alerted, but the deleted messages are shown in context if a moderator views the post.
Profile post character limit is currently set at 420. Can this please be increased to something like 999?

I want to write a thank you note to Jason Page for his work on Western soundtrack for GT1